Attention Flight Attendants pt. 2: Crash

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Fliqpy was in control now and flying the plane at full speed, trying to beat the other flight to their destination. The bears competitiveness and focus was interrupted by a strange scent that he recognized immediately. He scoffed and rolled his eyes as he pulled out a mix attached to a wire.

"Alright who the FUCK is smoking it up back there?!" His voice boomed over the speakers.
"Me! Sorry I don't have enough to share..!" Toothy replied sluggishly. His eyes were red so he was obviously high. "That shits too strong everybody's gonna get high just by the scent. Now personally I could give a fuck less if everybody back there started tripping balls, but if I do, this bitch is gonna crash, and we're gonna lose the fucking race! NOW PUT THAT SHIT OUT." Fliqpy yelled over the speakers
"Hell no! This is limited edition weed, I'm not gonna waste it! You're just gonna have to deal with it, care bear." Toothy responded, putting and arm behind his head and kicking his feet up upon the seat in front of him, much to Flaky's annoyance.

There wasn't a response from the speakers, just the sound of a click as it went off. Toothy just rolled his eyes and continued to roll out blunts.
Seconds later, Fliqpy was standing right in front of Toothy. "I told you I don't have any to sha- ACK.!" Toothy tried to say, but Fliqpy had grabbed him by the neck, strangling him while he snatched the weed out of his hands. He threw it on the floor and stomped it out. "Dude,  what the fuck!" The beaver coughed out. He jumped at the bear and started tussling with him, which was dumb because Fliqpy apprehended him in and instant. While those two idiots were fighting, Flaky looked out her window and realized their plane was going down, "WERE GONNA CRASH!!" They screamed. Fliqpy perked up realizing his dumb mistake and rushed back to the head of the plane.

They were few a feet away from crashing, but Fliqpy took control of the plane just intime for a not smooth, but somewhat safe landing. He looked through the window and saw Flight 198 flying smoothly through the sky already close to their destination. "Fuck..!" The bear cursed under his breath.

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