"As humans, we express emotions. Some that are wonderful, fantastic, & mind blowing. But we also feel awful things, such as remorse, grief, & despair. And at times, we feel alone. Even in a room full of people, we can feel alone. We feel as though nobody understands or as though nobody even cares. At some points in life, people will care too much or too little. We feel anger and rage towards things or people, whether it's reasonable or not. We have strong feelings toward the wrong people at the wrong time. We let idiots break our hearts when they never deserved it in the first place. We do this because we are human. We overreact and cry and love all the wrong and right people. And it's a heartbreak and a fantastic tale all at the same time. Because we learn from our mistakes. We grow from them. We find ourselves from them. We decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong."