the word "depressed" is overused and overlooked too often. it's joked about too often. it's misunderstood too often. depression is not being sad because your pet died or your significant other broke up with you. depression is crying your eyes out and not knowing why you're crying. depression is the suffocating feeling of having to get out of bed each day. depression is being exhausted each day even though you got 16 hours of sleep the day before because you couldn't get out of bed the day before. depression is hyperventilating at 3am alone in your room staring at blood seeping through your skin wondering why it's blood and not the pain you feel every single fucking day. depression is not being able to focus in school or in any activity. depression is the constant headaches and lost of appetite because your mental pain has now turned into physical. depression is the constant crazy and annoying feeling you get every time you try and get help from a "friend". depression is the never ending feeling that no matter how hard you try, the sadness will last forever.
however. depression is after all a mental disease (I'm sure none of you knew it's actually a disease not just a mood) therefore you can overcome it. it's called recovery. recovery is the sigh of relief you get after finally getting enough sleep. recovery is being able to take a shower and shave your legs and not have the urge to rip the sadness out of you. recovery is being able to drive a car and not have the urge to crash it. recovery is being able to tell your story without crying. recovery is being able to wake up each morning and realize that you're still alive and breathing despite all the times you wanted to quit.