3.6 | The Grandfather Paradox

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Capítulo VI- La Paradoja del Abuelo

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Capítulo VI- La Paradoja del Abuelo

One week. That's what Vydia asked for. One week of peace where she can spend time with her family without an apocalypse ending the world, the commission sending assassins to kill them, a super-powered family plotting against them, and a god forbidding grandfather paradox created. She was starting to think if there managed to be a moment of peace, it'll mean that hell will break loose in a matter of minutes.

The Hargreeves family moved up to the second floor to the pool tables. No one was nearby to hear their conversation about the most likely end-of-the-world scenario. They gathered around a pool table as Klaus lay on the ground processing the information and Stan used a pool stick as a bo staff and kicked around.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Diego said, "I'm so confused."

"Shocking," Allison commented, leaning against a support beam.

"Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exist. But clearly, we do exist and the universe can't handle it. Which is a problem," Viktor explained.

"Yeah, exactly," Vydia gestured to him. "It's really not that hard when you get it and realize it's a problem you never want to have."

Stanly grunted, attempting a jumping front kick. Diego pointed his knife at him, shouting, "Stanley! Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?"

He stopped in place, turning to Diego, "Yeah, well, mom said I need to practice."

Diego lowered his voice, "Yeah, well, she's not wrong. You're very bad."

"Yeah, well, I saved your pathetic ass!"

Vydia scoffed and laughed. She ran a hand through the end of her ponytail. "Yeah, hold on," Allison piped up, "Five, Vydia. So we caused a paradox. What does that mean?"

Five rested his hand on the pool table, tilting his coffee cup to her, "It's hard to say. It's all been theoretical until now, but things have started to disappear."

"What things?" Viktor asked.

"Right now? Uh, lobsters."

"And a shit ton of cows," Klaus inputted, sitting up.

"That's what I must've been feeling." Vydia faced Five, "This morning when the power went out and you pointed out the missing lobsters, I felt this wave of fatigue."

He stepped closer to her, "Wait, was it like last night? During dinner?'

"Yeah. I thought it was just side effects of that annoying destabilizer."

Diego asked, "How come you're able to sense them?"

"Enhanced senses, remember? I can hear, see, touch, or smell anything you can't. In shorter words, I'm better than you." Diego scowled and rolled his eyes, lowering his knife. "Now that we know what it is, this is only the beginning. I mean who knows when humans are next."

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