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Capítulo VIII- Explicacíon

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Capítulo VIII- Explicacíon


Five and Vydia walked in the frosty air. She hauled an old wooden wheelbarrow where Thomas was laying in. He was wrapped in blankets and jackets keeping him warm, now and then shivering and slipping in and out of consciousness.

Every thought that passed through Five and Vydia's head was far from positive. They couldn't do much, there weren't any hospitals because it was the goddamn apocalypse. All they had was the books they read and as many blankets they would wrap Thomas in.

"Mom, Dad," Thomas mumbled. Vydia set the wagon's handle down and came to Thomas' need as did Five.

"Yeah, Tommy?"  Vydia held his hand. Touching his smaller hand was like touching a piece of ice. Vydia increased her body's temperature to warm his hand.

Thomas's purple lips barely moved, "It's cold." 

"Yeah, we know," Five's voice cracked.

Thomas adjusted his head, snuggling to the warm blanket. "Why am I always cold and tired? What is wrong with me?" he wheezed.

"No, you're okay. You're just a little sick, all right?" Vydia couldn't tell who she was trying to convince; herself or Thomas.

"Once you're all better we could gather near the fire and play games. We could read more about dinosaurs, run around and chase your mother around," Five beamed. "Between you and me she could be a little snarky." Thomas giggled at Five's statement.

Vydia rolled her eyes, "Five!"

"Don't worry mom, I still love you."

"I know, Thomas, we love you too," Vydia embraced him, increasing her body's temperature to provide him heat.


Five and Vydia woke up at Diego's place sober. Luther handed them a cup of coffee as they told him about the apocalypse. "When's it supposed to happen? This apocalypse," Luther questioned, leaning closer to Five and Vydia.

Five answered, "We can't say the exact hour, but from what we gathered we have 4 days."

Luther sat on a chair across from the married couple on the bed. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"It wouldn't have mattered."

"Of course, it would. We could have banded together and helped you try to stop this thing."

"For the record, you've already tried."

"What do you mean?"

Five glanced down at his coffee. The bodies of the Hargreeves siblings were tattooed into his brain. There was never a time he could peacefully sleep without picturing them when he closed his eyes. Over time he got used to it but it always affected him no matter what.

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