Chapter 1

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Minho waits for his order to be ready. He needed some coffee before starting his day. Something feels off as if he is being watched by someone or something. The feeling started the moment he had entered the café. Looking around as he waits, he notices a blonde male looking over at him. The male quickly looks away when their eyes meet. Minho raises his eyebrow, turning back to the counter as his name is being called.

"Here you go Minho-ssi, on your way to the dance studio I assume?"

Minho nods, taking his coffee. "In a bit."

The older male behind the counter smiles at Minho, waving goodbye as Minho walks away. The blonde guy was watching him again, Minho could feel his eyes on him. Checking the time, he decides to walk over to the male.

"Can I help you?" He looks at the guy, whole looks at him confused and panicked.


"You have been staring at me since I entered this café, so what's the deal with that."

The blonde male blinks at Minho confused, not having expected Minho to be this direct.

"Oh, Uhm sorry, didn't mean to. A bad habit." The blonde mumbles, gathering his papers together. Minho looks at the paper, it seems like math problems. Minho frowns, looking over the other. He didn't seem to still be in school. He picks up a paper, looking at it closer.

"You're in school?"

The blonde looks up confused, before shaking his head. "No, they are for my kids. I'm homeschooling them in human subjects."

Minho places down the paper. "Human subjects?" He had figured out the blonde wasn't human, but he is still surprised he openly stated it like that.

"Ah! Well, yea, I figured you weren't human so I opened up sorry."

Minho shakes his head, sitting down in front of the male. "Lee Minho, nice to meet you."

The blonde looks up, smiling at him. "Bang Chan, the pleasure is mine."

Minho nods, sipping his coffee. "So how is teaching you kids going? This seems at least high school material."

Chan nods. "Pretty sure they know more about math than I do." He mumbles. "My 13-year-old keeps correcting me."

Minho chuckles, feeling the frustrations coming for the other. "I can help? I have a degree in math."

Chan looks up, surprised. "You want to? We just met? You don't even know my kids?"

Minho shrugs. "Give me your number and we can make plans, I don't mind helping out kids. Unless you have a probably with a wolf teaching them." Minho whispered the last part, making sure only Chan could hear him.

Chan looks confused, before realizing why Minho had said it. "Oh no, it's fine. I don't have a problem with wolfs and neither of my kids are vamps."

Now it's Minho's turn to be confused.

"Ah Sungie and Binnie aren't biologically mine, I took them in."

Minho nods, not going to question why. "Ah okay, so give me your number. I have to go to work, but text me if you need helping to teach your kids."

Chan quickly gives Minho his number, wishing him a good day. Minho waves Chan goodbye, walking out of the café.

"The kids are going to murder me for giving a stranger my number." Chan mumbles, putting the papers away in his bag. He orders three more coffees before leaving the café as well, walking back to his home. Hoping the two didn't burn it down, this time.

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