Chapter 6

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"Are you sure we have to put this in first?"

Changbin looks over at Jisung, who is holding up the bag of rice.

"Don't we need to cook the water? That's what the internet says."

"We have a rice cooker right? Hyung never puts it in a random pan with water?"

Changbin frowns, walking over to Jisung. They probably shouldn't have started cooking without anyone else being here, but it's too late now. "I don't know where the rice cooker is though."

Jisung puts down the rice, stepping off of the stepping stool. "I don't either. What now?"

Changbin shrugs, grabbing his phone to check out the recipe. "Let's just do it with the water. Than at least we have it cooked."


Changbin glares at Jisung, grabbing the bag of rice. "We are doing it, because we don't have much time before hyung comes home."

Jisung steps away, just letting Changbin do what he wants. Jisung jumps onto the counter watching Changbin put the rice in the pan. "We can just fasten it if I use my magic."

"No, we aren't going to use your magic. We can't have the kitchen burn down."

Jisung glares at Changbin. "I won't burn it down. I can control my magic."

Changbin rolls his eyes, ignoring his brother. Changbin continues cooking, no longer paying attention to what Jisung is doing. Jisung smirks, casting a spell to speed up the cooking process when Changbin looks away.


Changbin quickly turns around, facing a now black kitchen. Jisung smiles at him, covered in ashes. Changbin takes a deep breath, slowly walking closer to Jisung. "What did I say?"

Jisung jumps off of the counter, ready to run if needed. "To watch the food while you grab something?"

Changbin glares at Jisung, suddenly running towards the younger.

"EH!" Jisung quickly runs away, not wanting to be caught by Changbin. Knowing the older is stronger than him, not that he will ever admit it.


Jisung shakes his head, sticking out his tongue to Changbin. Changbin literally growls at him, still running after him. "What did you do?!"

Jisung just runs away from Changbin, not giving him an answer.

"Jisung!" Changbin jumps onto him, pinning Jisung down to the ground. Jisung hits his head on the ground, wincing in pain. "Why did you use your magic when I told you not to!?"

Jisung shuts his eyes, biting his lip trying to ignore the pain.

Suddenly Changbin gets pulled off of Jisung. Changbin struggles against whoever pulled him away, not knowing who the other person is.

"Let me go!" Changbin gets put down, the person turning to him. "Minho hyung?"

Minho just shakes his head, kneeling down to make sure Jisung is okay. Changbin huffs, sitting down on one of the kitchen chairs with crossed arms. "He is fine, probably just acting."

Minho looks over at Changbin for a second, before holding his hand out for Jisung. Jisung takes Minho's hand, letting Minho pull him up. "Are you okay?"

Jisung frowns, rubbing his head. "I guess so."

Minho guides Jisung to one of the chairs, away from Changbin so they can't start fighting again. When he is sure Jisung is seated, he walks over to the other side of the table. Minho looks at the boys, crossing his arms over his chest. "Who is going to explain whatever happened to this kitchen?"

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