Chapter 3

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Minho walks to the dance studio, he had left the 3racha store yesterday after dinner. Chan had made him stick around after Minho had offered to help Jisung test out one of his spells. Turns out, Jisung isn't really shy he just didn't feel well. He had passed out after trying to do the spell, running a fever. Minho walks into the studio, looking around to see if any of the other dancers are around.

"Minho hung!"

Minho turns around, seeing San run towards him. "Morning San, how are you?"

San stops in front of Minho. "Morning, I'm good. How are you?"

Minho smiles. "I'm good too actually."

Sans eyes widen. "What happened? Did you meet a new lover?"

Minho chuckles, walking to the staff room with San following him like a lost puppy. "I wouldn't say new lover just yet. But I did meet someone."

San looks at Minho in shock, not having expected that answer from Minho. "Wait really?! I was joking."

Minho nods, putting his bag down. "Yes, a very hot vampire."

San laughs, not sure if Minho is being serious or not. Minho glares at San. "Wait really? You found a hot vampire? Where?"

Minho shakes his head at the younger. "At the café, you refuse to go to."

San pouts. "I don't refuse to go, you just ask when I can't go."

Minho shrugs, grabbing his dance shoes. "You can join me to his store after work if you want to meet him."

San nods, again following Minho.

Somehow the day goes faster than normal or at least it seems that way. Because here Minho is walking to 3racha, with San and Wooyoung next to him.

"When I said you could join, I didn't expect Wooyoung to join us as well. I'm not taking either of you home."

"We can get home ourselves hyung, don't worry."

Minho raises his eyebrow at the two, not fully convinced they would make it home by themselves.


"We will hyung."

Minho shakes his head opening the door to the store, surprised to be greeted by yelling.


Jisung pops up in front of Minho.

"HI hyung."

Minho smiles at Jisung ruffing his hair. "Hi Jisung, why is Chan yelling at your brother?"

"He is a cat now." Jisung hadn't realized the other two people behind Minho.

"A cat? Your brother is a cat?!"

Jisung flinches slightly, looking behind Minho.

"You're scaring the kid San."

"Sorry, but your brother is a cat?"

Jisung nods, pointing to the black cat on top of the shelves.

"You have 10 seconds to get down Changbin."


Chan quickly turns around, looking over at the group. "Ah sorry, how rude of me to ignore you all. Have a look around the store, I will be with you shortly."

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