Chapter 10

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"Good morning." Minho smiles as Chan enters the kitchen, handing him a cup of blood coffee. "Morning." Chan takes the cup, sitting down in one of the chair watching Minho prepare breakfast.

"How did you sleep?"

"It was okay? How about you?"

Minho looks over at him. "Pretty good, I'm going to wake up the boys. So if you could set the table for breakfast?"

Chan nods, taking a sip from his drink. Minho smiles at Chan again, leaving the kitchen and making his way to the boys bedroom. When he checked before he went to bed the night before, the two boys were both in the room so hopefully that is still the case. Minho quietly opens the door, finding Changbin's bed empty. "Binnie? You awake?" He gets no response, so he enters the room to look around. Finding the two boys cuddled up together on Jisungs bed. Changbin has one arm underneath his head while he holds Jisung in his other, Jisung is laying on top of Changbin clinging onto the older his shirt. Minho takes out his phone, taking a picture of the two that he can show Chan later. 

Putting his phone away, he walks over to the bed where the two are still sleeping. "Good morning boys, time to wake up." Minho carefully shakes Jisung, hoping that will wake the both of them up at the same time.

Changbin groans, slowly opening his eyes. "Hyung?"

Minho smiles. "Morning Binnie, slept well?"

The younger nods, blinking a few times to fully come back to reality.

"How did this happen?" Minho points to Jisung, who is still asleep on top of Changbin.

"He was crying, so we cuddled. We always end up like this." Changbin rubs his eyes with his one free arm.


Minho starts laughing when he hears Jisung complain. "Sungie it's morning, wake up." Minho shakes him again, getting a glare from the youngest.


Minho rolls his eyes, picking up the younger.

"Let me go!"

"Not happening." He throws Jisung over his shoulder and waits for Changbin to follow him. "Ready to have breakfast?"

Changbin nods, standing up from the bed. "What's for breakfast?"


Changbin runs out of the room to the kitchen making Minho laugh.

"Is Chan hyung there?"

Minho keeps quiet as he carries Jisung to the kitchen as well.

"Hyung? Is Chan hyung there?"

"Why would you want to know?" Jisung hits Minho on his back. "No hitting" Jisung huffs, struggling against Minho's hold. "You will fall if you don't stop moving."

Chan looks up when Changbin runs into the kitchen. "Pancakes?"

"Good morning Changbin, sleep well?"

The boy nods, walking over to the kitchen counter to find the pancakes.

"Go grab a drink and sit down, we will eat as a family today."

Changbin pouts but grabs a glass filling it with water before walking over to the kitchen table. "Minho isn't family yet though?" Chan rolls his eyes, while Changbin smirks. "If you want him to be you should get some balls and ask him out."

Before Chan can respond to Changbin, Minho walks into the kitchen still carrying Jisung on his shoulder. "We have arrived, so now we can have pancakes." Minho places just into one of the chairs, the one the farthest away from Chan. "What would you like to drink Jisung?"

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