Chapter 7

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Minho didn't come over the next or the day after. He didn't visit the 3racha store the following month, he wanted to, really. But he couldn't, he got a call from his mother the evening he left the store last. So he packed his bags and left the morning after. Needing to go home to his parents as something happened to his father. Sadly he wasn't able to contact Chan about his change of plans, leaving the vampire worried. Chan waited a week for Minho to show up, believing he isn't like his old lover. But when the week was over and Minho still hadn't contacted him, he gave up. Not wanting to waste time waiting for someone who won't come back. Changbin and Jisung asked for Minho, wanting him to teach them instead of Chan. They liked Minho better as their teacher, he had a better way of explaining things.

 "Hyung" Changbin looks up from his work, to see Jisung poke his into the room. "Can I come in?"

Changbin frowns, nodding his head to tell Jisung to enter the room. Jisung walks in quietly, sitting down on the chair across the room. Changbin puts down his work, walking over to Jisung, having a feeling something is wrong. "Everything okay Sung?"

Jisung shakes his head, curling up in a tiny ball. Changbin sighs, sitting down on the chair with Jisung. Changbin pulls Jisung into a cuddle, knowing the younger needs the comfort right now. "What happened Sung?"

"Channie hyung yelled at me."


Jisung shrugs, not knowing why he got yelled at. "I don't know, I just asked him for help with some math questions and he just yelled."

Changbin rubs Jisung back, feeling him cling onto him. "I will help you Sung, just go grab your homework and I will help."

Jisung shakes his head, no longer wanting to do the work. "No thank you."

 "I'm going to talk with Chan hyung." Changbin managed to calm Jisung down fully, to where the younger is nearly falling asleep on top of him.

"But I'm comfy." Jisung mumbles, not wanting Changbin to leave. Changbin sighs, trying to think of something.

"How about this? I go talk to hyung, after I will take you to the river."

Jisung sits up, holding out his pinky. "Pinky promise."

Changbin chuckles, making a pinky promise with Jisung. He gets out of the chair, walking to the door. "You can stay here if you want, but don't touch anything you know not to touch."

"I will try take a nap." Jisung lays back, pulling the blanket he took with him down to Changbins workplace. Changbin shakes his head, leaving so he can find Chan to talk with.

 Changbin knocks on the door of the office, not wanting to just walk in. He might be a bit annoyed with Chan and how he is acting at the moment, but he still respects the man's privacy.

"Jisung I already told you, I can't help you. Do it yourself."

Changbin raises an eyebrow, opening the door to the office to reveal himself. "Hyung, we need to talk."

Chan quickly looks up hearing Changbins voice, putting on a fake smiles. Changbin rolls his eyes, walking over to the seat in front of Chans desk, crossing his arms over this chest. "What do you want to talk about, Binnie?" Chan almost shivers because of the dark glare Changbin is giving him.

"Drop the bullshit hyung. Jisung came to the workshop worked up. Because you yelled at him, over his math homework?"

Chan swallows, not sure how to justify his actions. "I-"

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