Chapter 8 - A Genie's Wish

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Addison's POV:

As me and Zed were about head over to Seabrooke Park when we see Gigi over by the steps in front of Seabrooke High. "Hey Gigi, what's going on? You good?", Zed asked. She looked up at us, almost like snapping out of a trance. "Oh, Zed, Addison. I didn't realize you two were there. Yeah, I'm good. I just have a lot on my mind right now. Especially regarding Wynter.", she explains. "Well, we're about to meet up with the others at Seabrooke Park. Do you wanna join us? Might help you relax a bit.", I suggested. She thought about it before giving us a small smile. "Sure. Lead the way.", she said as we went over. I wonder what she's thinking about.

A-Lan’s POV:

We were all hanging out at Seabrooke Park waiting for the others to arrive. Ever since I found out that I had feelings for Gigi, I have been trying to think how I could express my feelings to her. I believe it’s what humans call a ‘confession’. Soon, Zed, Addison and Gigi came over. “Hey, guys. What’s going on?”, Addison asked. “Hey, have you seen Eliza or Wynter anywhere?”, Wyatt asked. “Eliza said that she’ll join us in 5 minutes and as for Wynter, she said she had something to do today.”, Zed explained. “That’s interesting.”, Willa muttered under her breath. “What’s wrong, Willa?”, A-Spen asked their girlfriend. “It’s just that, ever since Wynter became ‘popular’, she’s always been so busy. Almost as if she’s not being herself. Like she’s changing. But I can’t put my finger on what it is.”, she explained. I saw Gigi make a bit of a worried face, which made me worried for her. “Is something wrong, Gigi?”, I asked. “It’s nothing. I’m just a little worried for Wynter.”, she said. I could tell that that wasn’t the only reason but I decided not to press her about it. “You know, I think out of any place I’ve been to, Seabrooke has been the most interesting place I’ve ever been to. The activities, the people, everything. It almost makes me a little bit envious of all of you.”, Gigi confessed. “You’re envious of us? Why?”, Willa asked, curious. Gigi sighed. “See, I love being a genie but, in my lantern, it just gets so lonely.” “You can’t make or have any friends inside of your lantern?”, Addison asked. “Well, I had one, once. But, she and I, well, we drifted apart.”, she said, looking down sadly. “Hey, we get that. But that doesn’t mean you can’t come back together, right?”, Wyatt asked. “Maybe.”, she mumbled. “Hey, if Seabrooke was able to accept monsters to live here and go to college, I’m sure you and your friend can rekindle.”, Zed said, reassuringly. Gigi gave a small smile. “Thank you. You know, I think I’m going to miss all of you the most after the last wish is granted.”, she said. “What do you mean by that?”, I asked, confused by what she meant. “The thing is that, to me, Seabrooke is so wonderful, but…”, she trailed off. “But what?”, Bree asked. “I can’t stay. I serve the finder. After her last wish, I go back to the lantern. So as much as I want to stay here, I can’t.”, she revealed. “What?! But, that’s not fair or right! You should be able to make the decision of wanting to stay here or not.”, I said, wanting for her to stay. Does that mean that after Wynter makes her last wish, I’ll never get to see her again? “As much as I want for it to be different, it can’t be. If I were able to grant myself one wish, it would be to stay in the place where I feel the most at home. In other words, here. But, as a genie for other people, it is forbiden for me to grant my own wishes. I really want there to be another way, but there isn't one.”, she said, sadly. “But why not?”, Addison asked. “I live by rules, Addison. It has always been that way.” Addison went up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Changing the way things have always been has always been our specialty.”, she said, making Gigi feel a little better. “Really? Thank you guys.”, she said, gratefully. Maybe we could all help her make her wish come true. Because I know I will do anything to make sure that she stays in Seabrooke with us. With me.

Eliza's POV:

I just finished putting in the newest updates in my computer as I saw Wynter walk by me. I gave a wave at her but instead of giving me a wave back, she just completely ignores me and heads over to the library. That's a red flag. She always says 'hi' and bombards me with questions about my latest development on my laptop. She was always pretty chatty with me. But this was different. Ever since she became popular, she's been completely different but this brings that difference to a whole new level.  I also then saw something else. I saw her shadow on the floor change into something else. It almost changed into...Gigi? I opened my computer and did a quick scan of the shadow and snapshoted it without being seen by Wynter. I took the snapshot and ran in under a heat detection scan. I gasped in shock by the results. I then closed my laptop and rushed to the others. 

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