Chapter 11 - Inside The Lantern

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Wisp's POV:

Everything was finaly going my way. I have Wynter under my control and I already have one of her friends stuck in the lantern. Although I must say, I actually feel a strong connection with Wynter. Like she and I aren't all that different. More than what I can say from my dear sister. Gigi always had what I wanted, and now I want my revenge. And with the lantern under my control, Willa's going to have a hard time trying to get out of it. Right now, Wynter, Shadow Willa and I were all outside the library from planning Wynter's schedule, aka, the next step of my plan, when we were confronted by some of Wynter's other friends. "Wynter, we need to talk, now.", Addison said sternly. "Sorry Addison, she's kinda busy right now.", Shadow Willa brushed her off. "Cut the act. You're not my real sister.", Wyatt said, annoyed. Shadow Willa growled at him as Zed stared directly at Wynter. "Wynter, these wishes are starting to go out of control. You're not yourself." "Give us back Willa. And bring back the old Wynter. This isn't you and you know it.", A-Spen said. "They're just scared of your power and are just in your way. Get rid of them.", I whispered to Wynter. "Gigi, I need you.", Wynter summoned, which made her appear. "You summoned me?", she said. "So they want to know where Willa is? Show them.", I told Wynter. "Gigi, I wish...", Wynter started. "Here we go.", A-Lan said as they got together.

Gigi's POV:

Once the light died down from the wish, what once was my group of friends, became a group of their shadows. And when the shadow version of A-Lan came out, it hurt my heart a lot, but I couldn't let it show. "Are you done?", I asked Wynter to which she gave me no response and diverted her eyes down. "Fine. That was wish number eight.", I told her as I left. Please be ok, guys.

Addison's POV:

Once the light died down, we all opened our eyes to see that we were in the lantern. The plan worked. "Woah. This must be the inside of the lantern.", I stated. "Wich explains why we all look so amazing.", Bree said, looking at our outfits.

(A/N: This is what everyone's different outfits are like.)



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(Ok. Back to the story)

"Wow. This place is beautiful...and big. How are we gonna find Willa in here?", A-Spen wondered. "Well, we could try over there.", Zed pointed out a beautiful Arabian palace off in the distance. That might be where Gigi lives. Once we arrived and went inside, we realized it was a lot bigger than any of us anticipated. "Hello?", A-Spen called out. No answer. "Willa?", Wyatt called out. No answer again. Soon after, the door behind us slammed, jump scaring all of us, as a massive mirror appeared in front of us, revealing Wisp. "Now, you're my playground.", she snickered. "Wisp.", Wyatt growled. "In the flesh. Sort of. You see, in your world, I am merely an unnoticed shadow. But, inside the lantern, I am all powerful!", her voice became disfigured at the end. "And soon, everything you have will be mine.", Wisp then showed us Wynter with our shadow versions. "Our shadows.", A-Lan gaped at the sight. "Wanna save your friend? Good luck. The shadow eclipse is coming. Your time is running out.", she told us before she and the mirror vanished out of sight. Now we all know that we can agree on one thing. We need to find Willa and get out of the lantern ASAP. I just hope that we aren't too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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