Chapter 3

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After like 2 months after  Anisa's  father's death,  her and her mum were sitting in the balcony with Anisa sitting on her laps "your dad left a message for you." her mum said after like 3 hours of silence.

Now the house is not lively with only once guard, 2 maids and them. "What did it say?" Anisa  asked. "wait I am coming." Her mum said.

She stood up and came back with a red book in her hand. Anisa sat back and her laps. "It says.." her mum began

" mamana sooner or later your dad won't be with you so I want you to be strong I know you are as a smart and courageous girl so please maintain that. you said you want to get married even though I know that by agreeing I was wrong but anything doesn't matter when the heart is happy and I will only be happy and rest in peace y when you are happy. Maybe you will grow up and you won't like the marriage, do whatever you feel like doing, but remember that your dad will be proud of all your choices because he knows they will always be right, thoughtful and smart Abid is being raised by good hands so I trust him with you. mamana I won't be able to live long to see you become a trillionaire but I believe that you will even be richer than Jeff bezos mamana what ever  situation you find yourself  be patient, kind, gorgeous and brave. Remember that your dad always loved you and believed in you

With love
Your Dad.

Anisa cried and cried for the whole day. Her mom tried consoling her but she didn't stopped till later in the night .


After six months of Anisa's dad's death, her mum "boom!" died too, so she's literally an orphan now. She moved in to Bappa's house.


Bappa has prepared abids and Anisa's admission into a day school Winston high, but Anisa  met him and told him she wants Boarding  so he did as she wants.

Anisa is know a changed person, she is so conserved and focused on her work. She is so depressed tha she made Abid sick. She was taking to a therapist because it was making her health deteriote.

The therapist said they should try taking her to boarding school since she wants it and she might associate with people there.

Abid was really sick that they had to put him on an intravenous drip, which only made Anisa  even more sad.

Sometimes when she visits him in the hospital they both will cry and cry that it's so heartbreaking to see them. They even made mama and Bappa  shade tears at times.


The therapist session was not helping at all cuz she literally lost interest in everything of course except for Abid, So the next day she's supposed to resume to school she went to bid Abid goodbye in the hospital even though they will be meeting since this their school is the same and they are in the same class.

Anisa was not sure of leaving him, but she had to try. when she left the hospital that day her head felt so heavy and was aching really bad because of how she cried. she was given medicine when she reached home and she slept immediately.

We almost beginning the real story

Hope you enjoyed this chapter,  full of sorrow actually.


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