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He likes me. 

He told me, I'm not lying I swear.

I know that it's a surprise, but I swear it happened.

Maybe it didn't and I was just imagining things. 

Most likely. 

"Hey Finn?" I ask. 

There's a pause, but then I hear a tiny and muffled, "Hm?" You can tell he's tired, by the rasp in his voice, and maybe he was almost asleep. 

"You were telling the truth, right?" I ask, my voice also tired. 

"About what?" He asks. 

"You actually like me?" I clarify, my voice small. 

"Mhm," He mumbles. Shuffling around and sighing. 

"Well, I feel like it's surreal. I've never had anything like this, you know? I say 'this' as if we're actually something, actually-speaking of which, what are we now? I mean is this just a casual thing or are we just gonna-"

"Bev?" He interrupts, half asleep. 

I pause. "Yeah?" I ask, shyly. 

He rearranges himself and flings an arm across my stomach. "We'll talk about it tomorrow, okay?" He whispered. 

My stomach jumps, my heart fluttering. "Okay." I smile. 


"Oh lovebirds," A voice sings. I peel an eye open and feel a weight across my chest and on my arm. I look down and see Finn's arm stretched across my chest, and his head laying on my forearm. I wonder how my arm isn't broken. 

Ezra waltzes into the room, basically doing a twirl and taking a quick picture of me and Finn. Finn groans and throws a pillow at the two of them, snuggling back into my arm. 

I don't even think he realizes what he's doing. 

"Aw," Walker pouts. "You guys are so cute," He frowns. "I hate it." 

"I think they're quite adorable, considering the fact that Finn ignored her for two months." Ezra says. 

Finn groans. "Don't remind her, she literally just forgave me." Finn spluttered, his voice raspy from sleep. 

They all look me, eyebrows quirked. 

I smile, evilly. 

And they all jump on Finn. 

"What the fu-"

"Language, Finny!"

"Get off, you're gonna crush Bev-" Finn attempts to shout, but he doesn't notice that I'm already climbing out of bed. 

I walk into the bathroom and put on my contacts, and finger brushing my hair since I didn't pack any overnight stuff, such as a brush. 

Finn handed me one of his shirts and directed me to put it on last night, and he wouldn't let me say no. 

For a shy guy, he's quite bossy. 

I get another wave of butterflies at the thought of Finn fearlessly snuggling me last night. He had no hesitation. Then again, it was probably just to make me feel better about my overthinking. 

Even though Finn probably doesn't know much about me, I still feel like I could tell him anything about me and he wouldn't judge me. 

"What're you thinking about?" Finn walks into the open-doored bathroom, and rests his body on the wall behind me, folding his arms. 

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