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It's been two weeks. 

Two weeks since we got back from the hospital, and two weeks since I've started sleeping on the couch. 

Two weeks since Bev has even eaten. 

We keep trying to get her to eat, even if it's just a little bit, but since she won't open the bedroom door, it's hard to convince her while you're outside and your voice is unbelievably muffled. She's come out on her own time, when we're not pressuring her. She'll get a cup full of water, not talking to anyone, and limping back into the room, locking it shut. 

"So, what's the plan today? How are we getting her out?" Walker asks, picking off something stuck to the counter.

I shrug, eating some toast. "We've tried everything, I tried to give her some food this morning, but she's not even talking," I say, feeling a prick of frustration.

Nolan sighs. "We at least have to try to get her some water. She's probably super dehydrated," 

I ignore what he says, because he still pisses me off. 

"I think we should just let her know we care about her. I think that's about all we can do," Jay says, avoiding eye contact. 

Jay's also been acting weird, but I'm mostly worried about Bev. Jay is eating.

 Bev is not.

"This is so bad," Ezra runs his hand through his hair. 

"What if that doesn't work? What if we just let her die in her room because she's not eating?" Jay asks. 

Okay, I do not like thinking about Bev dying. 

"This is so bad," Ezra repeats, his eyes going wide.

"You said that already," Walker points out, exhausted.

"It seemed worth repeating," Ezra retorts. 

As if on cue, my bedroom door opens, and a disheveled looking Bev steps out. 

She gives us a bright smile, walking into the kitchen. "What's for breakfast? I'm starving," 

We all look at each other with confused, wide eyes, as Bev searches through the kitchen for something to eat.

"Do you guys want anything? I was thinking of making some pancakes," She gives me a little smile. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to do them right this time," She says, referring to the cake she messed up. 

This is so weird.

"No? Okay, I'll just make some for myself," She opens a bag of pancake mix, and we all just watch her for a second.

Maybe this is some sort of dream she's having. Or maybe she hasn't fully woken up yet.

"I'll take some," Jay smiles softly at Bev, and she beams. He looks at all of us. "Let's go sit on the couch," He whispers to us.

We all follow him, even though I'm slightly mad that he didn't even offer to help. Jay can sense what I'm thinking, and he shakes his head.

We all sit on the couch, so Bev can't hear us. 

"Dude, what the-" I try to speak, but Jay interrupts me.

"Look, I know you don't like that we're not helping or something, but trust me. She needs to feel like she's important. Since she's been gone for so long, she needs to feel like she's doing something for us, instead of feeling useless," He looks down. "Let her believe in herself, she really needs that right now,"

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