Turning part 2

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Turning 2

The first day Kate spent chained to a bed was the worst. The venom had made its way into her bloodstream and was making its changes quickly, which was also extremely painful even unbearable at points. The woman who did this never left her side. She even drained the blood from the dead man into a bottle and kept it on ice until Kate would need it most. Right now, Kate didn't need it, but she would kill anyone or anything for just a drop. It was like a person being addicted to heroin but ten times worse. Kate would tear out the throat of a child or a puppy just to sate this hunger. Her energy was endless and her strength compared to the hulk and even for a moment, the chains themselves groaned from the strain of Kates strength but thankfully they were too thick to actually break.

Day 2

Kate had calmed down alright, waaaaay down. She was sitting up and watching the woman like a predator watching it's prey. She said nothing for a long time and her eyes moved with the woman's every move. She would kill her if only the chains would break. The woman still waited to explain any of this because Kate was still unable to think of anything beyond the thirst and the pain and the rage. It would be useless.

Day 3

Today would be the day she needed the blood. All day yesterday Kate told the woman she would find a way to drain her. It wasn't the threat itself, it was Kate's demeanor and tone of voice. Calm, calculated, smug, her voice hoarse from the intensity  of the day before. Today Kate was lethargic, her eyes fixed to the floor and even moving was a struggle. This was like super flu but without the puking and diarrhea.

"Kate, it's time to drink. I will have to help you because you are so weak. But that's exactly why I waited this long. If I didn't, you would have killed me in less than 30 seconds. Everything that makes you you is completely overridden by the venom. You want to kill anything in sight. The third day is your weakest and most vulnerable day. You will need to drink more than this but I can supply some of my own. Your parents are also on their way." The woman held the bottle of blood up to Kate's mouth. The first taste of it was heavenly, Kate lifted her hand, her weak movement restricted by the chains, defied her paralyzed state and tilted the bottle more, guzzling it. "I always recognized your strength but seeing you on the brink of death, you moving at all is amazing." The woman praised Kate as she drank the last bit.

"More." Kate demanded, her voice a low growl.

"I know you want more but you need to take it easy. You have to learn control or you will kill anything and anyone to sate that ever growing thirst that will never be quenched. It's possible to control it Kate I promise. Give it an hour and you can feed from me."

"More!" Kate yelled, showing her fangs threateningly and did a mixture of a growl and a hiss. The look in Kate's wild eyes, her irises no longer a gorgeous blue but now black as night. That was an indication that Kate was not feeling herself right now.

"You are not yourself right now, and it may have to do with the blood you drank. I'll explain it when you're back to yourself in a few hours. You'll feel better after you feed from me if my theory about the blood is right. So, you will wait an hour. Or you'll regret it."

"Fuck you cunt." Kate spat a bit of blood and saliva onto the woman's face. She sighed and stood, wiping her face with her hand.

"Two hours. You're lucky that I'm aware you can't help this behavior and that you're still somehow adorable though terrifying. I'll return in two hours. And when I come back, you'll understand why you needed to wait. And you'll thank me." The woman stood and walked away, and when she turned to look at Kate before exiting the room, Kate did something completely unexpected that made the woman want to burst into laughter. Kate proudly held up her middle finger. That part actually could have been Kate coming through, but this nasty attitude most definitely was from that man's blood. Kate had a rare ability or disability depending how you look at it to taking on residual temporary hormones and emotions and even mannerisms of the person whose blood was consumed. They would have to be extremely careful from here on out and wild animals was definitely off the table. They may need to seek out a donor.

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