Animal instinct

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There we were (outfit 23) on the bus. I would've taken my car but I wanted to be with my friends. Although that may not have been the best of ideas. Not just because I felt they were probably on to me and my secret but because the bus was so crowded. Everyone was sitting 2 3 or 4 to a seat except in the very back there were 5 kids in the very back that had single seats. The rest of us had all learned to ignore them but Buffy wanted to know who they were and what they did and what was up with the limited space situation. Well that's just it Buffy I crossed my arms annoyed. They're not jocks or cheerleaders they didn't really do anything but we weren't allowed to be back there because it was reserved for the cool people which is why we were sitting in the front. But this was Buffy's first field trip with us so she didn't know that. Xander told her they were called the so shes or also known as the hotsnots or even the attack pack. They don't do anything but everyone wants to hang out with them.

So, they're like some kind of royal family? Buffy suggested. No worse. Willow told her. They haver self confidence it's like they know they're in and by definition everyone else is out. Two of the 5 Kyle and Rhonda called over this boy Lance and Kyle and Rhonda were beautiful. And well Lance was not. Kyle asked him if they wanted to sit with them because he looked uncomfortable and when they made room for them they looked like they were being nice to them but the other 3 Tor Mick and Heidi snickered. Kyle asked him about having pizza with them wanted to know if he liked greasy foods he told them that his dermatologist wanted him to lay off the greasy foods. It looks like they're being nice to Lance. Buffy turned to Willow. Well they aren't I shake my head. No one else could hear them because they were so far away everyone except for me.

I didn't need to see them or pay attention to them to know that the tone they were using wasn't genuine and I could hear the other 3 snickering. I could've been in the group if I wanted to be. Kind of. Mostly they liked me because I was pretty like the rest of them. But they still thought of me as a freak. And I didn't want to be in the group anyways. Mostly because they were mean and full of themselves. And Xander agreed with me because he knew better. As much as I would love to think that more people were good at heart and most of them I think are even if these people are not well I've been around for a long time and I've been around these kids enough to know that Xander was right. You know how the killer wales like to play with the big red bouncy ball at the marine park? Well that's what they're doing with Lance. I'm sorry but I have to agree with Xander. When we got to the zoo we heard a video on the animal kingdom and how hierarchies were not as cruel anywhere else other than in the animal kingdom and to that Buffy leaned over and whispered to me that those people had never ridden on a school bus. I rolled my eyes and snickered. And then we look back up and watch hyena's cackling and their faces were a little creepy.

No more creepier than when a vampire is "game face" as its more known but it was still creepy. And to be perfectly honest I never thought of our faces in vampire mode were creepy. They weren't pretty but I thought they were cool. And that's when Buffy and I looked back at the so shes. Kyle had his arm wrapped around Lance otherwise known as their newest play thing. And something about them reminded me of these hyenas. Especially as they wondered off toward the hyena habitat with Lance. Laughing all the while. And Kyle threw a wink at us. Mostly toward Buffy. I had a very bad feeling about this. The other part we payed attention to in the video was when it said "Hyenas mark their territory by secreting a smelly paste from glands in their hindquarters. " The 5 so shes took lance to a locked door near the end of the pathway and the sign read POSITIVELY NO ADMITTANCE! And as they walked away Buffy calls after them. I'm sure you should have a lot in common. And hoped they would enjoy themselves. Something else we should probably know because as we're here no matter where we go something bad was bound to happen. Buffy and I seemed to be a magnate for danger. But something we should know is that when it comes to hyenas was that their powerful jaws were used to crush the bones into powder. And they do these things while laughing their hyena laughter.

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