Everywhere has its Beginings

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(A/N: I do not own Harry Potter, him and his universe belong to J.K Rowling

Also, #no beta we die like real men)

"Lily, please! He will kill Kit if he stays with me. I just need to shake him off, and I will be back," a young mother pleaded with her friend, the storm was coming down harder and she needed to get her son out of the storm.

"Ally, you know I would, but he attacked us a few weeks ago, what if he comes back? I don't want to risk you, your son, my son, my family," Lily countered.

"He won't come for you, I will do everything I can and if I must I will take him down with me. Christopher can't go through this, Lily, please, let my boy stay and I will fend off the evil," Ally cried. Her son, her pride and joy, if she had to she would leave him there for him to be safe. Lily and James were trustworthy, she helped them many times in their schoolyears together, she just hoped they would do the same for her son.

"Alright, but please, be safe. Christopher deserves to have his mother come back to him," Lily assured her friend, gently taking the baby from her arms. Ally nodded, pulling her hood tighter before apparating away with a crack. Lily closed the door and walked through the cold house with the baby. James and Harry were both sleeping, she'd explain in the morning. But for now, she had a promise to keep.

~~~~~~~~~~5 Years Later~~~~~~~~~~

"Christopher! Why don't you want to play fly!" The Potter boy whined, his younger cousin sat under a tree as Harry tried to convince him to join in.

"Harry, I don't like it, remember? Or did you forget? Again, for the tenth time. Really, you need to get your brain checked over with how much you forget I don't like certain things," the young child complained standing up with his book. He wanted to explore the muggle world, not play fly. They weren't even really cousins, Lily just told Harry that so he'd be happy. It was always about Harry.

"Hey! Don't be mean or I'll tell my mom!" Harry cried, pouting with his arms crossed. Christopher just rolled his eyes, Lily liked him so the threat did no good. James on the other hand did not like Christopher. Both James and Harry had large egos, probably a father-son thing, not that he cared. He didn't know his mom or his dad, he just had his 'aunt' and 'uncle'.

"Yeah, you do that. It will probably end as well as last time. Maybe I can tell her myself because I'm heading in to get away from you bugging me," Christopher shot back as he entered the house. He made his way to the kitchen where Lily was making up some sandwiches. "Lily! Harry keeps bugging me about playing flying again!" He told her climbing up into the tall chair. Not even Harry had a problem with them, Christopher was just, small. He always was but never figured out why.

"I'll have a chat with him, how's the book?" She asked as she set a sandwich down in front of him. It used to be his mother's, little notes scattered throughout were the only things he had about her. Yeah, he saw a picture of her but her books were what drew him in.

"It's good! Mama wrote so many things in it, it's like she's reading with me!" he smiled brightly.

"I remember when she read those during our time at Hogwarts, she always talked about how she'd give them to her kids when she was older," Lily said solemnly, "she would have loved meeting you."

"Why can't she?" Christopher asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"She, she died a few months after you were born. She wanted you to live and grow up safe and away from the evils that hunted her," Lily explained to the boy. After the constant questions about his mom, she slowly explained more about her. The most he knew was that she died but to protect him.

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