Eyes are the Window to the Soul

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Lily and Christopher were standing in their foyer as James and Harry rushed around finishing packing. Christopher had been done for a week and yet Harry, the all mighty chosen one, decided to wait until the day before to pack. Well, he thought somebody already packed his stuff for him. Could you blame the kid? He was pampered. Christopher sighed and leaned against the wall. Sliding his back down, he sat and played with Ally through her carrier as they waited.

When James finally helped Harry finish packing, the group apparated to the wizarding station. Well not into Platform 9 3/4 but very close. They ended up outside of Kings Cross station by multiple other wizarding families. Grabbing their trunks, the boys plus the two adults accompanying them made their way into the station. Christopher kept close attention to where Lily and James were along with how close they were to the wall they had to run through.

"Why do we have to run through a wall? Wouldn't the muggles notice?" Christopher asked Lily.

"There's ancient magic around all of us that was placed when magic first came to be. It prevents muggles from seeing magical capabilities. Squibs can see through it, and there have been rumours of muggles being able to as well but nothing confirmed," Lily explained as she directed the small boy through the crowds of people.

Christopher nodded, satisfied with the answer, and continued past platform 7. Children and parents alike were starting to look closer at their group, noticing Harry. In the crowds at the front it was hard to tell whether they were wizards or muggles but the closer you got to the hidden platform the easier it was to tell. Slouching forward, Christopher ignored the odd glances passed his way as he walked past Platform 9.

"Almost there, and then I don't have to deal with this," Christopher thought to himself. As they approached the wall, he prepared himself and Ally to run through. Rushing past Harry who was planning on going first, Christopher ran through the wall and came out on the opposite side. The crimson train was marked with gold lettering on the sides. The platform itself was beginning to be filled with more and more people.

Harry, Lily, and James followed after Christopher. They walked fast some families saying goodbye to their kids, relatives catching up after not seeing each other for the summer, and older kids rough housing with their school friends. Stopping in one of the less crowded areas, Lily was talking with James as Christopher and Harry waited to board.

"Look, it's the Potters! Harry looks so good, do you think I'll be able to be friends with him?" Christopher heard from the left of him. Looking over there was a group of girls staring at his 'cousin' with heart eyes. Sighing, Christopher looked down at his hands, in one was Ally in her carrier and in the other was his trunk.

"Lilly, James, I'm going to head onto the train," Christopher told them, voice struggling to get loud enough as more people entered the platform.

"Alright, hun, stay safe and send an owl with what house you get into!" Lily called after Christopher as he left their little group and entered the crimson train. Students were already starting to board but if he wanted a compartment to himself he had to be early. Lugging his trunk through the train, he went to the far back where there was an empty compartment away from all the others. The next closest one was probably 20ft away which meant not a lot of people would be likely to venture down towards him. Smiling to himself, Christopher entered and placed his trunk on the floor by his seat. There was no way he'd be able to lift it high enough to get it onto the overhead container.

Sitting down, he let Ally out of her carrier. The two sat in calm silence as the rest of the students rushed on board. Right, when Christopher believed that he would have the compartment totally to himself there was a knock on the door. He debated answering, on one hand, the person would think nobody was inside and just barge in, and on the other, he had to talk with strangers. Which would be needed if he wanted to be an Auror or working in the ministry but it wasn't important right at that moment.

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