The Hat Tells the Truth

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As Christopher and Enzo sat on the small boat, they watched as most first-year girls tried to ride in Harry's boat. Of course, some didn't, as they weren't interested in him as a person, but it seemed like none of them managed to join him. In Enzo's and Christopher's boat, a boy with slicked back blond hair joined them. With Harry, Christopher saw the redhead from earlier and a girl with bushy brown hair. He saw the redhead on the platform, he had a lot of siblings. How anybody would be able to deal with so much chaos every day was beyond him.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," the blond introduced himself as the boats took off at incredible speeds. Christopher was paying more attention to the water zipping under the boat and the muggle device in his pocket. The water was pretty, before the boats broke the surface tension he could see the stars from the sky without having to look up.

"Jaeger, Enzo Jaeger," Enzo replied in the same style as the Malfoy hair. Draco looked to Christopher expectantly, waiting for the small boy to answer. Looking up, Christopher caught Draco's eyes for a moment before looking back over the glistening lake.

"Fotos, Christopher Fotos," Christopher muttered. Why did he have to talk with people, he wouldn't have to talk if he overthrew the government, so why did he have to talk then? Enzo and Draco proceeded to converse, talking about the different houses, family ties and dissing mutual acquaintances. The two seemed to have been acquaintances before meeting again now, from where Christopher had no clue. He suspected something to do with their parents with didn't want to get into their private lives.

Christopher's eyes drifted over to where Harry was, he was laughing with his boat mates. He seemed a lot happier around people who treated him like he was somebody special, and not like a normal person. Having seemingly forgotten the boy he grew up next to. Rolling his eyes, Christopher turned his attention to Enzo and Draco's conversation. They were talking about the different houses. Which one they wanted to be in, the one they most certainly didn't want to be in, and the ones they were indifferent to.

"Father expects me to be in Slytherin, all of our family have been," Draco explains to them. It took Christopher to realize who he was, Lily and James never went to parties or any sort of gatherings. So his knowledge of the wizarding world came from books in the library. The Malfoys were mentioned as followers of You-Know-Who. But, everybody deserves a chance to be good until proven otherwise. Especially, kids, they weren't their parents.

"Yeah, miene Mutti just wants me to make friends, learn, and have fun. Though I will say something like Gryffindor would be horrendous, they seem so, loud and idiotic," Enzo laughed. He looked at Christopher to see if he would join in, eyes lingering on the smaller's for a second longer. Christopher looked towards the centre of the boat, not exactly looking at Draco or Enzo. He felt awkward if he looked at one for even a second longer. He was scared they'd think he was weird for looking at them. Lily and James would always scoff at people that would look at Harry for even a second too long. Christopher was scared that would happen if he looked at anybody for a second too long.

"Probably Slytherin; the other houses either seem too loud or boring. Ravenclaw might be fun with the access to materials but Slytherin has those as well," Christopher shrugs. He didn't particularly care where he ended up as long as it wasn't with Harry.

"Isn't Potter your cousin? He keeps mentioning it," Draco addressed Christopher who shook his head.

"No, our moms just knew each other well. So when my mom passed I stayed with him. Really annoying, I hope I don't have to be in the same house as him," Christopher said while looking over the lake and where it met the cliffside. They were starting to near the castle.

The tall towers touched the cloudy night sky, warm lights could be seen lighting up some of the windows. The brick appeared cold against the night, the forest was also in view. Cliff sides and forests surrounded the castle school. It was secluded, Christopher wondered how it stayed so far away but so well known. It was something to read about that was certain.

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