Feelings and Thoughts can be Hard

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Enzo and Christopher were laying on Christopher's bed, Christopher's head was lying on Enzo's chest who was running a hand through his hair. The two weren't too sure how to go about talking, they haven't known each other for a long time but they had trust. 

"We should um, talk about what happened?" Enzo says, he wasn't sure how to go about talking about this. Christopher lifts his head to look at Enzo, his eyes are bloodshot and wet with tear stains going down his flushed cheeks.

"I'm sorry, it's nothing. Just overwhelmed that's all," Christopher sits up and rubs his eyes, and wipes the tears away from his face.

"You sure?" Enzo asks, he wants to make sure his friend is okay. Christopher nods and stands up, wrapping his arms around himself.

"I'm gonna get some fresh air, I'll be back later," Christopher tells Enzo. Enzo tries to grab Christopher's arm to keep him in the room to talk but Christopher has already left the room. Enzo slowly retracts his arm and watches as Christopher leaves.

Quickly walking through the halls, Christopher starts making his way up the stairs. It's no longer passing time but there are still students littering the halls. Some talk as they head back to their dorms, some head to the library, and others run to their classes as they realize they spent far too much time in the library and were running very late. There are also a few people just loitering around as they talk with their friends. Christopher rushes past them and up to the seventh floor. 

Christopher runs into an empty classroom and sits on the ledge of one of the windows and lays his head against it. He watches as the kids outside attend herbology and care of magical creatures. He relishes the cold glass on his face as he takes deep breaths.

The room was empty, the bookshelves only contained dust, and the desks were all removed leaving only indents and scratches on the floors where they once sat. The chalkboard had faint remnants of words, Christian could see 'anima' and 'mura' scrawled over the top still having enough chalk to be clearly seen. Those were about the only visible words though, everything else was too erased or shapes that seemed more confusing than not. 

It was a normal length free period which meant that the time he had to hide before dinner was getting shorter and shorter. Most of the time was spent in his room with Enzo, so there were maybe 15 minutes left now that he's spent time in the room.

Christophers' head snapped from watching the window to the door as it creaked open. Standing in the doorway, the taller one had black and purple hair while the shorter one had grey hair. Christopher shrunk against the window and the wall, he wasn't expecting anybody to show up.

"I was not expecting somebody else to be here, you alright kiddo?" the taller one asked walking over to Christopher. The shorter one followed as well, looking a bit annoyed.

"I'm fine, I can leave sorry," Christopher rushed out as he began to scramble and stand up.

"It's fine, you don't have to go anywhere. I'm Ash, I'm a fifth year," the taller one, Ash, said. "This is Lynx, he's a third year."

"I can introduce myself," Lynx said crossing his arms. Both of them also had on the Slytherin uniform so Christopher knew they were in his house.

"I'm Christopher, I can leave you guys were probably planning on hanging out here I don't want to intrude," Christopher said as he took a few steps towards the door. It was all the way across the classroom, getting there was possible but it would take a few seconds depending on if Ash and Lynx just let him leave.

"Kiddo, you're in here all alone we weren't planning on anything. You can stay, it would be better than sitting alone," said Ash as he grabbed Christopher's wrist.

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