Flying, Deadly but the People are Nice

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As Cristopher stood out in the sun next to Enzo and Draco, the world would start to shift before refocusing. It was probably from not eating a full meal in over a week. Madam Hooch directed them through how to first pick up their brooms with magic. They shouted up at the broom, and it was supposed to fly up into their hands. One of the Gryffindor girls got it really quickly. Harry sent a glare toward Christopher when he got it before him. Christopher turned away from Harry and continued doing as he was told by Madam Hooch.  

There was nothing really special to it, there was no fancy incantation or wand movement that could trip them up. It might have just been that they'd never used magic before, but it still wasn't complicated. Draco and Enzo got it soon after Christopher but still before Harry. Soon everybody else had managed to have their brooms fly up, and Madam Hooch had them move onto the next step, hovering.

Nobody was supposed to fly around yet, just hovering above the ground to get used to the feeling. One kid, though, accidentally launched himself into the air before he freaked out and fell to the ground. Out of his pocket fell a small orb Christopher couldn't decipher. It rolled up to Draco's feet, who picked it up. The Gryffindor boy, Nevill, was taken by Madam Hooch to the infirmary, and the group was told to not fly around.

Draco started taunting Harry with the orb, before flying up into the air. Christopher shook his head in disappointment but didn't do anything to convince his friend to fly down. If Draco wanted to break the rules to get a rise out of Harry, then he could do whatever he wanted.

"You're an idiot," Christopher heard the bushy-haired girl, Hermione, say to Harry, who flew up into the sky to chase Draco. The infirmary wasn't that far away, so Christopher worried about Draco being caught. Christopher didn't catch what happened in the sky beside Draco throwing the orb before flying back towards the ground. The other Slytherins were laughing with Draco, but Christopher felt the ground shift beneath his feet.

"Enzo...I think somethings wrong," Christopher said, stumbling into Enzo, who wrapped his arms around the smaller boy to keep him upright.

"Fotos, are you okay?" Draco asked, briskly walking towards the two, ignoring the questioning looks from the boys he just left. Christopher shook his head as the ground moved farther away yet also closer at the same time. He tried to stay standing, but his legs collapsed under him as darkness took over his vision.


When Christopher's vision faded back in, he was in a white room on a white bed. Enzo and Draco were on either side of him, with Ash and Lynx at the end of the bed, looking very worried.

"You're awake!" Enzo said excitedly as he pulled Christopher into a hug. Leaning into the hug, Christopher wrapped his arms around Enzo feeling safe.

"What, what happened?" he asked, looking over at the other three.

"When Madam Hooch came back, you passed out. She had us bring you here, and Madam Pomfrey said to let you rest because she needed you awake to do a thorough examination," Draco explained to Christopher.

"She suspected either dehydration, lack of sleep, or lack of food as causes if you don't have a fainting disorder," explained Ash from the end of the bed. Him and Lynx had gathered the information from the nurse when the others were worrying about their friend. Christopher pressed himself closer to Enzo when Ash mentioned the possible causes. He had been getting plenty of sleep with the music, and he was drinking an okay amount of water. 

"Alright, boy's, out. I need to finish my examination now that he is awake," a voice came from the left. Madam Pomfrey shoo'd the other boys out of the infirmary before closing the curtain around her and Christopher. She set a flask on the nightstand before continuing to Christopher, "it seems your passing out has been caused by lack of nutrition. The flask contains a nutrition potion that you need to drink. Do you have any dietary restrictions that have been keeping you from eating?"

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