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"Two souls don't find each other
by simple accident." — Jorge Luis Borges

(extended summary)

Mattea Whitner has always been a quiet girl. Loud and outgoing only when comfortable around the people she knows. You can always find her somewhere in the world of nature. Either taking a walk in the woods to clear her head or sitting somewhere quiet, away from the prying eyes of others.

Despite her unfortunate circumstances she tried her best to live a normal life. Well, as normal as it is could be until that night took everything away from her. Now she's chasing a new life; a place of new beginnings and a fresh start. Who would have thought her fresh start, would be in a dreary town called Forks Washington located on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. To some, was a place that is insufferable. Where it rained more than any other place in the United States. 212 days out of the year to be precise.

But Mattea didn't mind the rain as she always found it more peaceful than full of gloom and despair. She loved the smell of an approaching rainstorm the most. Rain beating down on the glass of the windows, listening to the secrets it wants to share. It brought her a sense of comfort; familiarity.

Getting thrown into the world of the supernatural is no walk in the park. When Mattea is sent too live with her godfather Charlie Swan and godsister Bella Swan she has no idea about the events that are about to take place.

While dealing with her own internal problems on top of the supernatural catastrophe that is Forks Washington, she meets La Push's local hothead and shapeshifter Paul Lahote and her whole world seems to change right before her eyes.


   I do not own Twilight or any of its original characters or plot. All credit goes too Stephanie Meyer and the producers of the twilight saga movies. I only own my own characters.

This fanfic will contain
foul language, violence,
death, anxiety, harassment
and others.

   A few of these themes might be triggering so read at your own risk!!

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Change's- Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now