I looked out through the sea of people trying to find my godfather

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I looked out through the sea of people trying to find my godfather. The airport was just as crowded as ever and only added to my increasing nerves. I grabbed my suitcase out of the baggage area, standing on my the tops of my toes looking around. Silently cursing the fact that I was only 5'5 and no match for the giant cluster of people.

He must have spotted me first, seeing his tall figure rushing towards me. "Matty!" He called out yelling the nickname I haven't heard uttered from his lips in years.

"Charlie!" I called back just as enthusiastic dropping my bags to move forward and hug him.

"It's so good too see you kid." He wrapped his arms around my middle squeezing me tightly.

"Nice to see you too Charlie." I whispered hugging my godfather tighter than before. Shockingly enjoying the embrace I haven't felt in so long.

We eventually broke apart and he went to go grab my discarded suitcase. I grabbed the smaller one of the two thanking him before we made our way out to the car.

"How was the flight?" He questioned briefly glancing down at me as we continued on our walk.

"Wasn't horrible but I'm just glad to get out of here. I don't think I could handle being on that plane for another minute," I replied back shuddering.

He let out a small laugh as we approached the cruiser. "You're just like your mother in that way." He continued, stopping to open the trunk. "She never did like flying. Always made her nervous and claustrophobic."

My steps faltered at the mention of my mom, the wound still fresh in my mind. Charlie must have noticed as he turned around to look at me. A sorrowful look in his eyes. He placed a hand on my shoulder earning a slight flinch at his touch not expecting it. "I'm sorry kid," He sighed. "I know you must miss her, I do too."

Charlie Swan and my mother Alison Cargill were inseparable ever since birth. They grew up next door to each other and met when they were still in diapers. Everyone thought that they were perfect for each other and one day, would run off to start a life together. Until, Renée Higginbotham came along and instantly Charlie fell head over heels for her. Alison was there every step of the way for their relationship. Encouraging Charlie to ask her out and giving him advice whenever he needed because Charlie Swan was no ladies man.

Renée was jealous of Alison in the beginning stage of her and Charlie's relationship, but quickly saw how much she meant to the man and the two girls warmed up pretty well to each other. It was always the three of them until Alison met Elijah Whitner or Eli as his friends called him. Just like Charlie's relationship with Renée the pair had an immediate connection.

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