Ever since Bella's 18th birthday a few days ago something has changed

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Ever since Bella's 18th birthday a few days ago something has changed. The dynamic between her and Edward was off. Hell, the dynamic between her and everyone has been off, and I felt concern seep into my bones. After spending the night with Edwards family for her birthday, Bella came home with a bandaged arm and a thousand yard stare. Bella may have Charlie fooled that all she did was tripped and cut her arm, but I on the other hand, could see right through her.

On top of that, Emmett hasn't been himself since Bella's birthday. We still talk in French and make fun of Mr. Jefferson in politics. But it's like he's reluctant to speak to me. Lately I've been finding myself having to say something to him first and his responses aren't as enthusiastic. When we pass each other in the hall I would normally receive a wave and a bright smile, now all I get is a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes. It's unnatural for him, for our friendship. It makes me worried.

I tried to corner Bella the day after her party at the Cullens when she was leaving the bathroom, asking her about what happened. However, she barely would tell me anything. "You know you can talk to me Bella." I had told her gently trying to coax answers out of her.

"I know but there's nothing for me to say," she mumbled trying not to make eye contact.

"Sorry but I don't believe that." I scoffed lightly, shaking my head.

"Me and Edward got into a disagreement I guess you can say," Bella stuttered. "I don't want to talk about it alright?" And with her final plea hanging in the air, she pushed past me and went to her room.

I sighed running a hand through my blond, wavy hair. 'Why do I even bother?' I asked to myself. I can't force Bella to talk about something she doesn't want to so I guess, for now, it's a waiting game.

When the silent car ride home was finally over, I left Bella sitting in the truck as I made my way inside. The brunette seemed to be lost in her own world, unable to be pulled out. All day long I was met with her overwhelming silence which unnerved me completely.

A couple of hours past doing homework and I noticed I still haven't heard Bella come in through the door. I looked out my window and saw her truck was still here so she obviously didn't drive anywhere. Opening my door, I walked to the room at the end of the hall and gave a gentle knock. "Bella?" I called, hoping that I didn't hear her come in and she was just laying down or doing homework. However, no response came.

I rushed down the stairs into the kitchen and called her name again but to no avail did I get a response. Seeing a note on the counter I picked it out and found Bella's messy handwriting.

Going for a walk with Edward, up the path, back soon- B

Confusion swarmed me as I remembered that I never heard Bella come in the house after me, unless she did so quietly. I didn't hear the hum of Edwards silver Volvo pull into the driveway either. Or the slam of a car door.

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