Weeks have passed since one of the  residents in the Swan household withdrew completely from reality

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Weeks have passed since one of the residents in the Swan household withdrew completely from reality. After that night she disappeared in the woods, things have never been the same. Edward Cullen took a piece of her heart. A piece that she will never get back.

The first week was the worst. She didn't sleep and when she did it wasn't for very long. Her screams had the tendency to echo throughout the entire house. Haunting all of us day-in, and day-out. For awhile she wouldn't eat or go to school. Me and Charlie could barely even get two words out of her. Most of the time she just sat at her desk chair, staring out her window into the forest. Almost like she was waiting for Edward to appear any second.

Charlie was so desperate to get her better he called Dr. Gerandy from the hospital to get his opinion. He said she was in a catatonic state and needed time to come out of it. He wanted to asses her mental state, physically, but Charlie never let him up the stairs. Afraid of how it would affect his daughter.

It's an indescribable feeling watching someone you love go through something so heartbreaking. It's paralyzing how helpless you are. You can feel their pain and it wants to crush you, but you have to stay strong for them. Pretend everything is fine and say that it will be alright. When in all honesty, no one can assure you it will be.

Bella was adamant about being left alone. But I wouldn't let her. I knew what it felt like to loose someone, although our losses aren't the exact same. However, I could at least try to understand; to be there in support. So, I would sit on her bed and read while she sits blankly in her chair. On other days, I would tell her about something funny Mr. Terry said, not having Emmett to share the funny moment with. Sometimes, I would ask her mindless questions to try to get some words out of her. Even though she would barely reply and mostly I just talked to occupy the empty silence. I wanted to fill her mind with something other than her thoughts. Thoughts are like poison, equipped with the lethality to rip and shred apart your mind.

Homework was the one thing that she preferred to do above all else. For the most part, her grades were perfect. Throwing herself into studying seems like it would be easier for her than facing reality.

One day when it was almost three months since the Cullens deserted Forks, I couldn't stand to be in the house any longer. Day by day, the brunette integrated more into the real world. If you could call it that. She would go to school and sit through her classes, go through the motions but it was like she wasn't really there. All that's left of her is the shell of the person she was before she met him.

Last night was one of Bella's more worse nights. The nightmares that plagued her mind left her sobbing inconsolably. The aftermath had left the residing feeling of suffocation ten times worse. I couldn't do anything to help other than sit back and watch. So I turned to my favorite stress reliever that's never left me down before, hiking.

Double knotting the laces of my hiking boots, I took off on the small path that led through the trees by the back of the house. I never really got the chance to explore the area before now. Right away, I found myself in awe of the beauty The Pacific Northwest held. Even though the colder weather was slowly coming to an end, the remaining flora still remained with a hint of green. The trees trunks were covered with moss, their branches hanging to make a intricate canopy. The ground was encased with ferns and leaves, leaving no space untouched. All of it was simply breathtaking.

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