I woke up with a jolt, the sound of the alarm clock blaring in my ears

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I woke up with a jolt, the sound of the alarm clock blaring in my ears. I groaned not wanting to get out of the comfort of my bed. I turned off my alarm and laid there blankly staring at the white ceiling mentally preparing myself for the day. I was very thankful that at least it was the beginning of the school year and I wasn't starting halfway through the semester like Bella did. I could not handle that stress.

I finally dragged myself out of bed and got ready for the day. I tripled checked that I had everything before I headed downstairs into the kitchen. Charlie was already there reading the newspaper.

"Morning," he said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Good morning," I greeted back, heading over to the fridge to see what I could eat for breakfast. The anxiety that has settled in my stomach already was making me not hungry.

"You're up early," Charlie commented turning a page of his newspaper.

"I couldn't sleep that well," I replied.

Charlie let out a small laugh. "Well I don't mind the extra company. It's quiet around here because Bella is always with Edward." He spoke his name with disdain and I knew there was definitely a lot to the mysterious Edward that I have yet to gain any relevant information about.

I stopped and looked at him with a puzzled look after finally finding the cereal in the cupboard and grabbing the milk out of the fridge. I silently grabbed a bowl and poured the milk and cereal in before going to sit down at the small wooden table.

Charlie looked up from reading his newspaper noticing my duration of silentness. "What's on your mind kid?"

I sat there for a second fiddling with my bracelet on my small wrist trying to figure out what to say. "I know it's none of my business," I spoke timidly. "But, why do sound like you dislike Edward so much?"

Charlie sighed and let the newspaper he was reading flop onto the table. "It's not that I don't like him per say," he paused struggling to find the right words. "I just think that he's not good enough for Bella but that's the father in me talking. However, I do think he had something to do with Bella's accident a few months ago."

I furrowed my brows on how Edward could have anything to do with Bella's accident. Even though I still don't know the full story on that. "How so?" I questioned eager to know some of the answers to the questions my brain held.

"Bella came home one night after playing baseball with Edward and his family saying all this stuff like she had to leave and she had to go back to Phoenix— where her mom lives— right then and there. She packed a bag and
said how her and Edward broke up before she got home." Charlie looked upset remembering all that happened that night. "So after saying not the nicest of things to me she left. Edward followed after her the whole way trying to convince her to come back. Bella agreed to meet him in his hotel after he got to Phoenix and on her way up to his room she tripped and fell down a flight of stairs. She had a broken leg, four broken ribs and a cracked skull."

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