The ride home was filled with light conversation about how mine and Bella's day was

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The ride home was filled with light conversation about how mine and Bella's day was. My anxiety slowly dissipating as we pulled in the driveway at Charlie's. We made our way inside and went into the small kitchen to get a snack. I felt drained from todays events and I just wanted to get away from people. I needed a moment to catch my breath. The first thing popping into my mind was going for a walk through the woods—which is a favorite hobby of mine—but I still haven't had the opportunity to catch up with Bella like I've been wanting.

Deciding that getting to know my godsister was more important, I sat down at the kitchen table eating an apple as me and Bella started to get reacquainted on everything we've missed in the last few years of each others lives. I learned more about Renée and her new husband Phil, and the reasoning behind the brunette deciding to leave sunny Phoenix and come to Forks to live with Charlie. She shared stories about her junior year last year, including meeting Edward Cullen and his family. The way she spoke about him was like he was an ethereal being able to walk on water. It isn't hard to miss how in love she was with the man and I felt a brief pang in my heart at the distant memories it caused.

Talking with Bella felt like talking with an old friend which I guess she is. I never really had many people to call my friend growing up. Well, besides one. I mainly preferred to stick to myself than build relationships. The few I've had granted them the opportunity to inevitably hurt me. It may be lonely at times but loneliness was always easier than the alternative.

When it came my turn to talk, my high spirits lessened slightly. I didn't like to talk about myself and the pains of the past. Taking a deep breath I gave Bella a brief rundown of my experiences living in Philadelphia. Sugarcoating the harder parts, but still—for the most part—telling the truth at the same time. It was the most I've talked in awhile. Although I found myself enjoying her company and freeing a small weight off my chest.

Getting carried away with talking me and Bella both jolted in surprise when we heard the door open, watching Charlie come in the room carrying a pizza box.

"Hey girls." He set the square box on the counter by the stove. "Brought you home a little first back to school day treat, reckon it's better than my cooking." Charlie chuckled.

Me and Bella shared a knowing glance thinking back on one of the prior topics of conversation: Charlie's horrendous cooking.

"Thank you." we both said simultaneously smiling at him and each then each other for speaking at the same time.

Charlie mockingly shook his head. "look at you two already becoming one person."

That earned a laugh from me and Bella as we got up to get plates eager to get our hands on the delicious smelling food. If there was one food that I had to choose to eat everyday for the rest of my life it would definitely be pizza. Conversation flowed naturally during dinner and for the first time in a long time I felt myself becoming more at peace.

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