extra chap 246(amnesia prt1)

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[TGCF Extra - Chapter 246]

The Curious Incident of His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince's Memory Having Wandered Away 1 - Big Huahua Picks Up an Amnesiac Lian
The moment Xie Lian opened his eyes, he discovered that he was lying on the floor.
It was a strange room. He felt extremely confused.
He had clearly been cultivating in the royal temple on Taichang Mountain, so why was he here?
Feeling mildly at a loss, Xie Lian sat up from the floor. He discovered that he was wearing a set of simple, white robes that were really just a bit too simple, crude and lacking in detail[1] like a poor commoner's. The material was also not good, its texture rough, rubbing against his skin in a way that felt uncomfortable.

Xie Lian wrinkled his brow, and thought about climbing up from the floor. He did not expect that the moment he stood, he would discover even more places where his body felt uncomfortable.
His hips hurt, his legs hurt, his abdomen hurt, his neck hurt. Could this be the result of spending a night lying on the floor and catching a chill?
... Impossible. Besides, he wasn't that delicate and frail.
What about Feng Xin and Mu Qing? Recalling them, Xie Lian called out, "Feng...... cough, cough cough......???"
Even his voice did not feel very comfortable.
He remembered, last night, Feng Xin and Mu QIng had once again started fighting over a small,
trivial thing, making so much noise to the point that it was impossible for him to meditate. As such, he had ordered them to continue arguing[2] outside. Having listened to them trade, with great resentment and irritation, more than two hundred lines, Xie Lian had begun to feel drowsy, and took a rest. How was it that upon waking up, he had fallen into such an unthinkable and muddled situation???
Supporting himself on the side of a table, Xie Lian finally stood up, and surveyed his surroundings. This place should be an inn, but generally speaking, if he did not choose to camp, but chose to stay at an inn instead, he would not have chosen to stay at such an inn that was clearly budget.
HIs hands and legs had not been tied, and the room door was not locked, so this meant that he had not been imprisoned. If someone or something was plotting against him, then what point did throwing him here have?
The more Xie Lian thought about it the more bizarre he found it, but the most bizarre was still the present state of his body. Tolerating the ache in his arms, he removed his outer clothes, ready to survey what sort of injuries he had on his body. But unexpectedly, upon removing his outer clothes, when he lowered his had to look, his whole face went pale in an instant.
From his abdomen, to his chest, all were densely covered with ambiguous red marks. It was as though large flower petals had fallen and blanketed skin that was as pale as fine white jade, like the blooming of blush-red blossoms. So red were they that he was stunned, and he lunged in front of the mirror by his side to take a look
Indeed! Not just on his chest and abdomen, they were even on his neck, even on his beck!
Xie Lian did not dare remove the clothes on his lower half to continue to look. The situation was very clear.
At some point when he had been unconscious for a reason he did not know, someone had... defiled him.

It was the first time in his life that Xie Lian felt "weak in the legs", but he steeled himself and held on, and stood firm.
He had very early on in the past listened to the chambermaids who waited on him, talk about some of the scary legends from outside the palace, such as black-hearted people who worked on the black market and who specialised in abductions for nefarious or sexual reasons, drugging maidens before doing bad things. But... But...
Xie Lian clutched his head in both hands, muttering, "But, I, I'm a male ah! ......"
His appearance now, was truly indeed unsightly. Besides these love bites, and bruises where he had been held with too much force, there were even embarrassing bite marks. Xie Lian covered his face, feeling has though his head was feverish, while his body was cold.
Suddenly, he remembered something that was extremely serious: Oh no!
His cultivation path required absolute chastity, but from this, hasn't he committed a great taboo?!
Xie Lian hurriedly gave a try. Upon a try, as expected, he no longer had any magical power!
Xie Lian was typically considered quite calm, but under the present situation, he felt as though he was about to collapse.
Inexplicably, upon waking up, he had become like this, Feng Xin and Mu Qing were both missing, and he himself still did not know who had used what method to beguile and defile him. He really wanted to collapse.
After a good while, he was still unable to accept this reality, and he felt terribly upset. But, he also could not continue to be in a daze like this, and so, he had no choice but to carelessly pick up and put on his clothes, and left the inn. No one tried to stop him on his way out. Xie Lian breathed out in relief, and did not care that even the buildings all around him, the clothing of the passers-by and their accents, were all quite strange.
But perhaps because there was a niggling feeling in his heart, he kept feeling as though other people could tell that something had happened to his body, and that they were measuring him with odd stares. This made him pick up speed as he walked, until in the end, he was running madly. He rushed into a patch of forest, and with one punch, punched a tree. The tree snapped with a "crack". He yelled angrily, "Asshole!!!"
He wanted to use the foulest language to curse and scold the person who had done such things to him, but after tossing and turning all he could only scold, "Asshole, bastard, scoundrel!"[3], and he
just could not give vent to the fire in his heart, leaving him suffocated. But he also could not let loose and cry, and so he could only keep it in and strike out wildly. "Peng peng peng peng peng peng", he knocked down tens of trees in a row, knocking them down until finally the very ground on the spot crawled up to hug his thighs, yelling and crying: "Taizi Dianxia![4] Tazi Dianxia, don't hit any more!"
Xie Lian's heart was full of fury, but this old man had suddenly emerged from the ground, and was clearly not an ordinary person. The sight left him slightly startled, and he said, "Who are you?"

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