extra chap 247(amnesia prt2)

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  [TGCF Extra - Chapter 247]

The Curious Incident of His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince's Memory Having Wandered Away 2 - Big Grey Wolf Hua Picks Up Little White Rabbit Lian and Coaxes Him into Turning in Circles
To think he had seated himself in front of him so casually as he pleased.

XIe Lian blinked, and only ascertained after a good while that the man was really talking to him.
He reacted immediately, telling himself that he should allow his shock at this person's manner to place him at a disadvantage. Maintaining his previous calm, he said courteously, "Alas, this lowly person will not be drinking, and I am afraid will not be able to treat you to this drink."
The man dressed in red gave a laugh, and his sitting posture became even more casual, as he said, "Really? Looking at this daozhang's appearance, I think he has something troubling him, and needs a drink to relieve him of his troubles ah."
Without changing his expression or inflection, Xie Lian said, "Then I'm afraid your excellency is mistaken."
Even though the greatest taboo had been committed, but this did not mean that he should adopt a
self-defeated attitude and be uncaring of the other smaller taboos.
Even though his manner continued to be mild and distant, the man did not show even a slightest intention of retreating, but instead, as though settling in for a while, said, "Since daozhang is not willing to treat me, then, how about I help myself?"
Xie Lian studied him, then studied his surroundings. Strange. It wasn't as though there weren't any empty spaces around them, so why did he have to sit here to drink wine? But as he also did not have a reason to reject him, Xie Lian said, "Please help yourself."
And so, the other party waved his hand lazily. Never before had the waiter seen such a stylish person, and not daring to show any annoyance, hurriedly served up a jar of wine and some wine cups, and diligently wiped down the tabletop, afraid of showing this person any disrespect.
Seeing how the man dressed in red was calm and at ease, helping himself to the wine, Xie Lian could no longer resist and said, "Could it be that your excellency, when meeting anyone for the first time, would ask that person to treat you to a drink?"
Beaming, the man said, "Hn? Of course not. To be frank with daozhang, the average person would not even get to see my face."
This tone of his, was quite arrogant. However, Xie Lian did not find himself put off.
The two people sat in their seats. During this time, Xie Lian continued to look somewhere else, projecting a manner as though he was very calm. After a while, it was still that man who first opened his mouth to speak.
Propping a hand beneath his chin, he said, "What is this daozhang's surname, that I may address
WIthout thinking, Xie Lian came up with a fake surname, "My surname is Hua." The man raised an eyebrow, and said, "Oh – Hua-daozhang."
Xie Lian said, "How should I address your excellency?"
That man said, "It's fine if daozhang calls me San-lang."

Xie Lian sensed that this person was not willing to reveal his true identity, and did not press. Having thought for a while, he was unable to think of what type of person would be arranged third in order, and so decided not to waste effort speculating. At this moment, he suddenly noticed that, on the side of one cheek of the man in red, a lock of crow-black hair had been plaited into a thin braid, with a red coral bead at the end of the braid.
The bead was lustrous and gleaming, and although small in size, one could tell from a look that it was incredibly expensive. But Xie Lian could not shake off the feeling that he had seen this bean before somewhere, perhaps in his palace chambers where jewels were strewn everywhere?
But he also could not be sure. Noticing his gaze, San-lang said, "Do you like this?"
As he said this, he lifted his long, pale and elegant fingers, lightly twisting that coral bead, pinching it.
For some unknown reason, as Xie Lian looked on, a flash of pain suddenly bolted across his chest, as though some part of his body was also being pinched, and he jerked back violently.
This action was too large, and a number of guests beside all turned to look this way. Casually and unconcerned, San Lang lifted his gaze, and said, surprised, "This daozhang, are you alright?"
He reached out a hand, as though intending to help Xie Lian up. Of course, Xie Lian did not want him to help him up, and hurriedly sat back properly, saying, "It's, it's nothing. That bead......"
"Oh." The hint of a smile at the corner of San-lang's lips did not lessen, and he said, "This bead?"
His hand playing even more with the brightly coloured and beautiful bead, he said with a slight smile, "This is a gift from my beloved wife. What does daozhang think of it?"
Xie Lian said, "Uh...... It's very good, very good."
In fact, he had no idea what he was saying, and his fingers gripped his thigh tightly. He felt restless, unable to sit still.
This unfamiliar man dressed in red was clearly playing with that cutely charming bead, an action that could not be simpler, but Xie Lian was seeing in it some hint of excessive lewdness.
It was as though the thing which was being twisted by those fingertips, slowly massaged and rubbed, kneaded and flattened, wasn't the red bead, but some part of his body that was sensitive. Xie Lian's
face inexplicably grew hot, and his breathing grew rapid, as he found it extremely hard to bear. This was not normal. This was definitely not normal.
This man dressed in red, who called himself "San-lang", was very handsome, but for an inexplicable reason, strongly gave off a fey, unearthly air, making one shiver and tremble. Xie Lian's internal alarm bells were ringing loudly, and he forcibly calmed himself down, his breaths evening out, as he fixed his gaze on him with hardly a hint of fear, and asked, "If I may ask, just why did your excellency decide on your own to approach this lowly person?"

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