extra chap 248(amnesia prt 3)

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TGCF Extra - Chapter 248]
The Curious Incident of His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince's Memory Having Wandered Away 3 - San-lang is a good gege!

Both of Xie Lian's eyes widened suddenly.
At his incredulous expression, San-lang said, "What's wrong?"

How could Xie Lian even put it into words? The shame of having been conned, of having been
fooled into turning in circles - the misery, mixing with his heated blood, rushed straight to his head. He slammed his palm onto the table top, biting out every word and sentence, "...... So. It. Was. You!"
It was impossible for the table top to have withstood his blow, and it broke on the spot. Fortunately, there was no one on the second floor of the tavern besides them, otherwise they would have been greatly frightened and horrified. Xie Lian did not have any weapons in his hands, but struck out with his fist. However, San-lang continued to sit on his seat as before, and only tilted his head slightly. That strike crushed into the wall behind him. Stone crumbled and fell. However, he did not move an inch, instead hugging his arms, and raising his gaze very slightly, said, "Daozhang, what is the meaning of this?"
Xie Lian's face felt extremely hot, and he had no idea just how red his face currently was. The bones in his other hand cracked and popped, as he said with fury, "You...... cease your pretense. What
you did to me...... You know full well."
San-lang's gaze rose a little more. He said, "Very unfortunately, I am indeed unsure, just what I have done to daozhang, to cause you to be thusly angry? Could you please enlighten me?"
To think that this person would say such to him with a face full of innocence. What could he say in response? To speak of such things in broad daylight? Never before had Xie Lian encountered such a person, and he was so angry that he shook from his shoulders to his heart, his face growing redder and redder, his speech incoherent as he scolded, "Shut up! Someone like you...... I, I'm going to beat someone as shameless as you to death....... indecent....... despicable...... you......"
San-lang sighed, and said, "Daozhang, I did not expect my wholehearted sincerity, to receive such a response from you. Just how am I shameless, indecent and despicable?"
With difficulty, Xie Lian regained a modicum of calm, and said, "Don't think you can trick me further! The red thread on your hand is clear proof, that you are that....... that......"
"Oh?" But San-lang was not harried. He raised his hand, and said, "Are you talking about this? Is there something wrong with this red thread?"
Looking at that red thread, Xie Lian felt as though he had been pierced. He said, "I've seen it. At that time, your...... hand had this red thread......"
San-lang said, "At what time?"
In an instant, Xie Lian really wanted to beat him to death. Still asking despite knowing the answer, it was too vile!
But for an inexplicable reason, regardless of how furious he was, he could not bring himself to lift a hand. Furthermore, it wasn't because he was under the control of someone, that he was unable to move; but rather, it was his own body that was not allowing him to move!

Just at this moment, a few people thudded upstairs, saying, "What are these two honoured guests doing?! Don't fight and smash things as you wish!"
Xie Lian turned his head and said, "It's dangerous here! First, you should......" Who knew, with that one look, he froze again, stupefied.
To think that, on the hands of all these few people, a red string was tied! Unthinkingly, Xie Lian said, "What's with the red thread on your hands?"
A person said, "Red thread? Isn't a red thread just a red thread, what so strange about it, it's no big deal...... there's nothing about it ah."
Xie Lian became confused. Could it be that in this place, the tying of red thread on one's hand, was
a very normal fashion trend?
He turned his head back. As though having read his thoughts, San-lang said, "Daozhang's guessed pretty well. The tying of a red thread on one's finger is a custom here. If you don't believe, please look at the crowds below."
Xie Lian cast his gaze at the lower floor of the tavern. As expected, amidst the ever-flowing crowd of people, were quite a number of hands which had a red thread tied on them, and some even had quite a few tied on. He said, "What sort of custom is this?"
San-lang gave a small smile, and said, "About this, it is also related to this Hua Cheng."
"It's because, on his hand and the hand of his beloved, is tied such a red thread. And so, many people followed suit, to pray for their fated marriage partner, or to express that they are in love."
Xie Lian listened in a daze, and said, "That is to say...... This Hua Cheng, must be quite an amazing person? To have so many people ardently follow suit......"
San-lang said, "Whether he is amazing or not, would depend on who you are comparing him with. Oh yes, daozhang, there seems to be something which has fallen onto the floor, can I pick it up to examine it?"
At that, Xie Lian finally began to react. He had thus far been maintaining an attacking stance, but it actually was yet another foolish mistake on his part,[1] and his anger drained away completely. He hurriedly withdrew his hand, saying, "Sorry, sorry, San-lang, I'm really...... truly very sorry. It was me
who was on edge, and misunderstood you again......"
San-lang continued to remain at ease, and bent at his waist to pick up something, saying,"No harm done. Daozhang, is this something you dropped?"
From the mess on the floor, he had picked out a piece of gold leaf. It had likely fallen from from Xie Lian's sleeve just now when he had struck out. Xie Lian was just about to speak, when he saw San- lang lift that gold leaf before his eye, and squinting, said, "Eh, this gold leaf, looks rather familiar ah."

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