extra chap 252(Husbands bday)

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TGCF Extra - Chapter 252] The Ghost King's Birthday
  Recently, something important and urgent has emerged.
Because of that, Ghost City was in a state of great anxiety. When Xie Lian found out what incident he meant, he was as surprised as the ghost had secretly told him, his heart filled with worry, "Birthday?"
It is true. Chengzhu from Ghost City [1] Hua Cheng - no matter how old he changes, his birthday will come!
[1] Chengzhu = city governor, ruler, overseer, etc.
Xie Lian was completely unprepared for this. Feeling very uneasy, he said, "this, this... what did San Lang do on his birthday in the past?"
The ghosts excitedly replied in chaos, "How festive !!!"
"Not much, we were just making a fuss aimlessly ..."
"But Chengzhu doesn't care at all?"
Hearing this, Xie Lian said, "What do you mean he doesn't care?"
The ghost replied, "That Chengzhu never celebrates his birthday."
"Well, he never cares what we do on his birthday. He never even paid attention to the gifts people sent him. Every year it's just us playing around and having fun on our own. "

"Dear Chengzhu forgot many things. Looks like he never even remembers when he was born in the first place! "
Xie Lian thought for a moment, and immediately made up his mind. Since Hua Cheng didn't care about his previous birthdays, this time Xie Lian had to find a way to make this birthday extraordinary - and make it a little more interesting, so that at least he could be happy on that birthday. But what's the difference between Hua Cheng's birthday and Xie Lian's, compared to those without a birthday? Aren't they the same?
First of all, he had to give her a birthday present. Xie Lian was deep in thought - what should he give him?
The ghosts stared at him, "Xie Daozhang [2] are you thinking about what gift you want to give Chengzhu?"
[2] Suffix for Taoist priests
Xie Lian, "Mm. I'm a little embarrassed to say it, but... I'm not sure what your Chengzhu will like. I'm afraid I might give him something that doesn't suit his taste... "
The pork butcher said, "Yo, what are you really worried about. If it's something Big Uncle... [3] Xie Daozhang gave, I think our Chengzhu will be happy regardless of what kind of gift you will give. "
[3] Xie Lian is old, isn't it www.
"Yes. I bet even if you give him a piece of scrap paper, he will be happy. How is it that... the gifts given by Great Uncle Xie Daozhang can be compared to gifts given by others! "
Xie Lian laughed slightly, thinking that this attitude might be too narcissistic and reckless,
and a little less sincere, "We can't say that. Choosing a gift must be done carefully and with consideration. Do you have any suggestions? "
After all, Hua Cheng had been in Ghost City for many years; and maybe the residents of this Ghost Town would have a better understanding of what he liked. With a little bit of

exchange of opinion, if Xie Lian thought harder, he would find a suitable and extraordinary gift he could give Hua Cheng. And indeed, all the ghosts there say, "We have it, we have it, we have it!"
As they talked, dozens of chicken claws, pork feet, octopus feet and the like began to collect, creating a pile of all kinds of things. Xie Lian is unfamiliar with these things. Being surrounded by ghosts there, he thought it was really amazing. Thus he decided to take out what looked like a mysterious and elegant jade bottle, asking, "Oh? What is this?"
The one who gave the bottle replied, "That is the number one seduction medicine! You only need to use a few drops, and I guarantee that the passion and love of the person you are about to medicate will skyrocket, falling head over heels for the medic! And it doesn't have any side effects! "
"... ..."
Xie Lian replied firmly, "Thank you for the advice. However, love must come naturally from the heart. How could we use potions to control it? It would be better if no one used this from now on. "
The ghost who presented the bottle spoke in fear, "Yayayaya, don't use it. But actually we don't use something like this, I only got this because Xie Daozhang asked for advice ah! "
Xie Lian didn't know whether to cry or laugh, thinking, "Why do you think I should give this kind of medicine to Hua Cheng?" She smiled, "I'm afraid that your Chengzhu won't use this
medicine either."
All the other ghosts were frantically pushing the ghost away, screaming, "Exactly! If Chengzhu wanted someone, would he even need to use such medicine? Really!"

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