The Doctor's Siblings

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A week later, Maggie's PoV:

                        I groaned, uncurling myself and standing up, stretching as the fireplace cracked and popped. I growled at a maiden who had come to tend to the fire, and she squeaked, before racing out of the room. I loped out, and I noticed Lady Dimitrescu staring at a letter with confusion etched on her face.

                         "Good morning, miss." I yawned, and she nodded at me.

                         "Good morning, Maggie. Would you happen to know if Dahlia has any siblings?" I growled loudly, my claws unsheathing from my hands.

                          "WHERE? I'LL FUCKIN' EAT HIM!" I roared, and she looked at me in shock.

                          "I... Don't even want to know what her brother did to warrant that response." She handed me the letter, and I calmed down severely, my claws retreating back into my hand.

                          Dear Dahlia

                           I apologize for the lack of communication in the last few months, but I want to inform you that I'm coming to visit you. Before you ask, Miranda already talked to me, and she told me where you are. I would love to say more in this letter, but I'm currently trekking my way to the Castle, and am only a few days away. I look forward to speaking with you in person.

                                                                                                         Your Loving Sister, Alyssa Quinton

                            I smiled, happy to get another opportunity to interact with Dahlia's overprotective big sister.

                             "Oh boy, Daniela's gonna get interrogated when Liz gets here." I chuckled, and Lady Dimitrescu raised an eyebrow.

                              "Why?" "Because she's super overprotective, especially after... that one." I growled, remembering how broken Dahlia had been after the events with Lena. Lady Dimitrescu nodded in sympathy, before asking another question.

                               "Who is she?" "An old friend of mine and Dahlia's older sister. Those two were inseparable in the old days, but nowadays they travel separately. Of course, they keep in constant communication, and when a certain period of time has passed where no communication has occurred, one comes and visits the other. Usually, Dahlia does, due to Liz's... Occupation, but when she can, she visits Dahlia." I sat down after my explanation, and Lady Dimitrescu looked at me with a twinge of amusement on her face.

                               "You seem fond of her. Does Cassandra have to be worried?" I choked on air at the question, leaving the Lady to chuckle quietly.

                               "N-No, she does not. I view her as an older sister as well, same with Dahlia." I coughed a bit more, before catching my breath. The smile faded from the Lady's face, but lingered in her eyes as a maiden came in with her morning wine. I recognized the maiden as the one myself and Dahlia had chased a week ago, and I shot her a shark-like grin. She froze, but continued when the Lady clicked her tongue. She shakily handed the Lady her wine, before rushing out of the room. I smiled widely, before noticing Alex and Bela talking as they walked down the hall to our left. I smiled when I saw that both Alex and Bela were blushing, finding it hard to look at each other. Lady Dimitrescu looked as well, and a soft smile appeared on her face.

                                "Well well well, looks like your eldest has taken a liking to Alex." I grinned, and she smiled a little wider.

The Doctor Is In (Daniela Dimitrescu X female OC)Where stories live. Discover now