A Roaring Fire

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(Above is Ashe's mutated form's armor. Just add massive, red wings. Also, intense gore warning. Have fun!)

Alyssa PoV:

                       I stared into the distance as Aurelia sharpened a knife next to me, and Donna quietly worked on a knitting project. Angie was nowhere to be seen, so I assumed she was pranking maids with Maggie. My two wraiths floated behind me, having a quiet discussion about the future ahead. The plan, to my knowledge, was to attack Ash head on with the lycan, allowing us to slip in somewhat undetected. The blue Ash could weaken his evil counterpart by forcefully entering his mind, and burning away at the mold's influence. Speaking of the blue Devil, he walked into the room, grumbling and brushing soot off his wings.

                        "Well, Dahlia still hasn't woken up. I checked her eye socket, and it seems to be fine. I placed a patch over it, so we'll see what happens next." He murmured to me, and I looked up at him, before asking the dreaded question.

                         "What does happen next? We don't know where he is." I asked, and he chuckled nervously, rubbing his neck. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he raised his hands.

                         "Listen, it's more of a theory, okay?" I nodded slowly, still glaring at him. "If he's anything like me, he'll still be...impatient. And he knows where we all are, so-" "I get what your saying. He's on his way, isn't he?" I asked, and Ash nodded, staring at the floor. I sighed, and was about to reach for the doorknob when Never came crashing in, eyes glowing pure gold.

                          "He's here."

Alex PoV:

                          "Oh bugger off!" Ash roared as I scurried around him, crimson spikes cutting through my webs. Maggie snarled and pounced on him, getting a few bites and scratches in, before he threw her into a wall. I watched Alyssa and Aurelia charge down the stairs, Never close behind. They got to work immediately, Alyssa mutating as Aurelia rose a staff, causing it to turn to night, the air becoming freezing and the moon turning blue, with a large rune scratched into it.

                            "HERE BEGINNETH THE CHILL NIGHT THAT ENCOMPOSES ALL, REACHING THE GREAT BEYOND! FOR RANNI THE WITCH!" She roared, and I thought I saw a short, blue, four armed woman standing behind her, raising her four arms arms. Aurelia started sending bolts of magic at Ash, who grunted and flicked his hand, sending crimson energy arcing towards her. She dodged it, somehow turning into a moon and launching it at Ash. My vision was torn from her when I heard a cackle, turning to see Never shifting into...Something. Never roared, massive golden wings extending from a black and gold serpentine body, with eight legs. Four black Komodo dragon heads with glowing golden eyes breathed golden fire at Ash, who used his wings as a shield, sending arcs of crimson lightning down from above. Never hissed at him, using their wings as a shield, roaring loudly. Aurelia slammed into him, swords flashing as fire engulfed her entire body. He grunted from the onslaught, trying to push her off, before a high-pitched voice made my blood run cold.

                            "HEY, ASSHOLE! LIKE DOLLS?" Ash and I both turned to see hundreds of dolls, led by Angie, carrying scissors, sickles, knives, and a whole assortment of sharp objects. Donna stood at the back of the flood, arms waving wildly as she directed them. Ash was buried moments later, roaring in anger as a shockwave of crimson energy sent them flying. He was steaming from anger at this point, and the lycan started pouring in, Heisenberg grinning a shit-eating grin as Mark stood next to him.

                             "Hello Mr. Quinton! I hope you don't mind that I freed somebody from your little lair!" I looked to see a battered Ethan Winters, eyes full of fury, running towards Ash.

                              "GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER!" He roared, shooting Ash, and I noticed that mold was flaking off of him. Heisenberg started mutating, and Mark opened fire with his rifle, moving whenever crimson energy ran towards him. Roots started growing from the ground, and I watched Mother Miranda float down, turning into some horrifying flying creature.

                              "YOU! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR ATTACKING MY FAMILY!" She shrieked, as Moreau, Rowan, and Eveline joined the fight, telekinetically controlled objects slamming into Ash, acid flying towards him, and Rowan jumping on his back out of the large amount of water that Miranda was making somehow. I heard a scream, and I saw as Lady Dimitrescu mutated into some kind of dragon-like creature, a cackle coming from her.

                              "FLESH, BONES, I WILL DEVOUR ALL OF YOU!" She shrieked, slamming into Ash, who grunted, Heisenberg following his sister's example and mutating. The metal behemoth joined the fray, until a massive, crimson light came from the ball of chaos surrounding Ash. Everyone was sent flying back, and I watched as Ash strode out of the light, holding a massive scythe, red lightning running across it. Everyone tried to attack once more, but Ashe just batted them out of the way, dealing out punishment until everybody was laying on the ground, too hurt to fight anymore. He rose his scythe, and I watched crimson energy gather at the top of it, until a massive, glowing green pike skewered his arm, tearing it off in a spray of gore and blood. He screamed, and I watched Dahlia descend from above, mutated as the blue Ash flew next to her, hands full of blue energy. She flew down and grabbed the pike, arm still attached, beginning an onslaught of attacks on Ash, who tried to block them with one arm and no scythe. Soon, his armor was full of holes, blood trickling out of all of them, and he stumbled. Dahlia grabbed his shoulder, impaled it with her pike, and flipped him around. She grabbed both his wings, and with a strong tug, tore them off, spraying blood, gore, and viscera all over the floor as a majority of his back and armor came off with them. He screamed, trying to crawl away from her. She walked towards him, crushing a few of his organs with her boots, until she reached him, tearing the pike out of his shoulder and raising it. He started shaking, I thought it was out of fear until I saw cracks forming in his skin and crimson energy leaking out of him. She backed up, watching him rise into the air, until his body burst into shards, and all that was left was a silhouette of a man with massive wings, made entirely of crimson energy.

                              "YOU WILL NOT KILL AN ANGEL OF THE BLACK GOD." Ash's voice filled the chamber, and Dahlia chuckled.

                              "We'll see about that." The blue Ash landed next to her, and she spun, skewering him with her pike. I was about to scream when I saw that he was turning the energy on the pike blue, and she turned around, raising the pike.

                              "But for now, how about you shut THE FUCK UP!" She bellowed, throwing the pike dead center into Ashe's chest. The room was filled with a deafening scream, and everything turned red.

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