Chapter 17 The True Kirby

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While some people watched the window as the crimson liquid emerged from the ground, everyone else was glued to the TV. All of it was occurring in a single day.

Jaune: "Guys! Something is coming off the ground over here!" He alerted the others about the red liquid coming off the ground outside.

Weiss: "I'm not gonna clean this place twice a day."

Tosca: "Just let's hope Danmaku defeats Yuuma before the entire surface is submerged." She pointed out while watching both sides of the TV and the window.

Yuuma starts to absorb everything in the blood pool, creating liquid bullets that start flying toward Danmaku and Flandre from behind. Flandre fly up to dodge them while Danmaku was sprinting to dodge the bullet and the claws that came out from the blood pool

Danmaku: "Flandre! I have an idea!" He shouted at her.

Flandre: "What is it?

Danmaku: "Your Scarlet Nihility spell card, that could work on Yuuma!"

Flandre: "I don't know how you know about it but I need time to gather enough energy."

Danmaku: "Here!" He said, generating some void energy, forming it into an orb and throwing it to Flandre.

Danmaku: "Use it to-." He was interrupted as one of the claws got his legs and it yeeted him toward Yuuma. Danmaku can't fly so he got swallowed by Yuuma.

Some of the people we're watching left in a shock, some didn't bother to make a reaction. They knew how well Danmaku wouldn't let that slide for himself.

Nora: "Did he just get eaten by that monster?" She brought up the topic of Danmaku getting swallowed by Yuuma.

Sun: "Pfft, you know him. He wouldn't let that slide wouldn't he?" He's one of the few that didn't react towards it, he knows he wouldn't let it go.

Flandre: "Hey! Give him back!" She shouted, taking all the void energy Danmaku gave her and activating her spell card. She created a black apple that is full of void energy and her destructive power.

Flandre threw it at Yuuma, and as soon as Yuuma swallowed it, her body exploded, creating a rain of red water. Yuuma Toutetsu was defeated.

Flandre: "Danmaku! Where are you?!" She flies around, looking for him before seeing him coming out of the blood pool.

Danmaku: "Here."

Flandre fly to Danmaku and hugs him.

Okina: "You two did a good job." She said, and appeared next to them.

Danmaku: "Alright Flandre, you and Okina can get out of here first. I still have something to do."

Flandre: "Ok!"

Yukari then turns off the TV, opens a gap and leaves without saying anything. She also caused some issues in the home as a result since she turned off the TV.

Blake: "Where is she going?" She asked.

They all looked outside to see that the red water had stopped, however the thing is, they're gonna have to clean a lot after this.

Nora: "Guys! The water has stopped!" She yelled.

Le Fay: "Wait, really?" She looked outside to see that the water had stopped rising.

Neptune: "Well, all in the day's work. I'm sure we can rest after all of this."

All of sudden, they heard noises in the bathroom. Which alerted a couple of people nearby.

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