Chapter 16 Truth or Dare?

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The scene starts as they finish cleaning the house, Sebas was the doing the most while the others provide support for Sebas to help do the cleaning as well.

Yang: "Whew, well that's all done faster than I thought." She said finally mopping the last piece of the black water.

Sebas: "Now that we're all cleaned up, you guys can take a break, I'll handle the rest for now." He said going towards rooms and rooms to double check.

Ruby: "So... You guys wanna play games?"

Koneko: "Games you say? There isn't that much stuff to d-" She was cut off

Yang: "We could play Truth or Dare."

Nora: "Oh oh! Can I go first?!" She yelled, so loud that people had to close their ears.

Ren: "Can you. Not scream that loud?"

Nora: "Sorry Ren..." She said apologizing

Anyway, the group decided to get into the living room to hangout about Truth and Dare, some didn't want to join either because they don't feel like it or they just wanna rest. They went ahead and grabbed an empty bottle and placed it in the middle of the living room.

Issei: "Who's going?"

Rias: "I'll do it."

Rias then spins the bottle, some we're eager, some we're sweating, some didn't bother to as they don't really care about it. The bottle pointed at Kunou.

Rias: "So... Truth or Dare?" She said, smiling at Kunou.

Kunou for the first time of her life was playing Truth or Dare, the thing is she doesn't want to do something bad so she decides to pick Truth.

Kunou: "Truth..." She said quietly

Rias: "Ufufu~ What did something catch your interest? Hmm?"

Kunou was going through her mind. Kunou blushed and pointed at Issei.

Almost everyone caught an awe from this, Kunou having a crush on Issei? Well that's just more interesting as we see.

Sun: "Woah, didn't know Issei has a lot of crushes to do." He teases him.

Issei: "H-Hey!"

Akeno: "Ara Ara~ Issei-kun." An intensified aura comes from behind Issei.

Kunou: "O-Ok, my turn." She said, grabbing the bottle and spinning it.

The bottle then pointed in the direction towards Albedo, she was surprised.

Albedo: "Oh, now this is a rare opportunity."

Kunou: "Truth or d-dare?"

Albedo: "Dare please~"

Kunou: "Describe the most attractive quality of every person in this house..." She said in a quiet voice, some heard it including Albedo.

Albedo smiled, she knew what she got in her mind.

Albedo: "Ainz: Everything. Shalltear: Bitch. Sebas: Fine. Issei: (CENSORED). Kunou: Cute. Sun: Trouble. Scarlet: Alright. Neptune: Cool but actually no. Ruby: Bit overboard. Yang: Hothead. Pyrrha: Calm and Nice. Nora: Weird. Sage: Calm. Blake: Cat. Weiss: Cold. Ren: Quiet. Jaune: Average. Asia: Sweet and kind. Koneko: Kitty. Rias: Wife. Akeno: Flirty. Yuuto: Brave. Xenovia: Stubborn. Rossweisse: Serious. Gasper: I have no words. Irina: Cheerful. Ravel: A bit spoiled. Le fay: Happy. Bennia: Prankster. Tosca: Caring. Ingvild: Just like Asia. Minato: Respectful. Naruto: Goofy. Sasuke: Serious. Itachi: Serious. Danmaku: ..."

When Albedo mentioned Danmaku, everyone's mind just switched to breakdown mode.

Nora: "What!? No quality over Danmaku?" She screamed

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