Flight (6)

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AFTER A FEW WEEKS of classes, one class Hermione hasn't learned was Broom Flight, although she was confused on why there was a class on riding brooms in the first place, all the books she read before bed and during meal times weren't helping her especially knowing it was a physical class where the user has to get on and ride the item. The day came faster than she thought, seeing her face in worry, Neville smiled at his friend and grabbed her arm, "It's alright Hermione, I haven't flown on a broom either, so it'll be our first time trying it out together."

"I'm not sure why there's a class for it Neville, it looks....Unsafe." She eye the brooms on the grounds as the group walk towards the class' professor.

Hearing her statement, someone behind her snorted. "Of course you wouldn't understand Granger, this class is purely for quidditch and you can't learn anything from a book."

Looking back at the voice, she wasn't surprised when it was Ron Weasley, again, who sounded smug about riding a broom. Before she can retort, the professor called out "Well, what are you all waiting for? Quickly now, each of you stand next to a broom on the ground, stick your right hand and call out up!" Frowning at the broom and its stubbornness from leaving the ground towards her hand, Hermione glared at the broom, looking around her there was a few others who was having the same troubles as she did, but more so of the item moving but not flying up towards their own hands.

The next thing she knew, she was mounting the broom and her worries became bigger than before when she realises her feet would leave the ground, her grip around the handle went tighter as she went up half a meter, taking deep breaths, Hermione opened her eyes to see Neville at the corner of her eye finally pushing the ground with his foot only to fly further up than her position. "N-Neville!?" Hearing Hermione shout, his broom slammed down towards the ground fast and the group hearing a crack as he fell.

"Neville! Are you alright?" Hermione got off her broom to check on her friend, grabbing his shoulder and turning him from his face on the ground and having him sit up to face her. "M-my hand" he stuttered weakly.

"Professor, he needs to go to the hospital wing." Hermione states as she worries for her friend. "Let me through, children." Madam Hooch kneeled towards the two of them and softly grabbed and held his arm, "Broken wrist," she sighs, "I'll take you to the wing myself, come on up, it's alright."

"Did you see his face," Malfoy laughed amused by what just happened as he twirled Neville's remembrall in his hands. 

"Shut it Malfoy" Another voice overlapped Hermione's as she glared at the blonde.

"Ooh, both of you like Longbottom so much you'll defend him together, how amusing, Patil and Granger. Who knew the great lump's a crybaby with girls going after him." Parkinson laughed at the two girls. 

"Give it back, Malfoy. That's not yours." Harry Potter beside Hermione called out. 

"Hm, I think not. I think I'll have the cry baby find it somewhere he won't be able to reach," Malfoy leaned onto his broom, mounted the handle and flew towards the roof, "Leave it on a roof maybe." he smirked as he made eye contact with Potter and Granger. "How bout this, why don't you try and get it from me, not scared are you, Potter?" 

"Potter, don't you dare, Professor Hooch isn't here to supervise us, what if you both fall like Neville did?" Hermione tried to hold him back, Potter turned and stared at her to argue, "He's your friend isn't he? Neville? I'm only getting his item back. Won't be too long to have another professor running here." Potter mounted his broom to follow Malfoy. Hermione could only stare at the two flying the throughout the school. Moments after he left, they all saw Malfoy throw the item and Potter flying after it. What idiots.

The two of them landed on the ground, but before the could celebrate with Potter catching Neville's remembrall, a voice shouted behind the group, "HARRY POTTER!" Hermione jumped in shock and turned around to see McGonagall. Potter looked back at his Head of House, then at Hermione. "Here, give this to Neville for me would you?"

"Come with me, Potter!" McGonagall called out as she turned into the school. 

Oh no. Hermione thought worriedly as she gripped Neville's item. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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