The Sorting (5)

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WHEN THEY ALL arrived at the front of a huge closed door, a commotion began with Potter and Malfoy, and Hermione rolled her eyes. This better be over.

Before it could get any further McGonagall tapped Malfoy's shoulder with a scroll of paper. Took the group towards the front of the diner hall and turned to the first years. "All right, now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."

Dumbledore rises from the main table

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Dumbledore rises from the main table. "I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. First Years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death." With this announcement, Hermione and Neville looked at each other in confusion and horror, "Thank you." The Headmaster stated, then returned to his seat.

"When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." McGonagall told the small group. "Hermione Granger."

With her name being called, not one but two people from different sides of the room looked at her. Suspicious that one, Draco thought and kept reminding himself to write to his parents about one of the folders after the sorting. Then a Granger? Coming from one of the teachers tables, as he pulled his turban downward the back of his neck more. 

Hermione breathed in and out to calm her nervousness, "Okay, deep breaths. You can do this."

Next to her, Ron whispered to his new friend, "Mental that one, I'm telling you." Neville glared at him and turned to face Hermione to give her a reassuring smile. The hat were placed on top of her head, it didn't shout her House immediately, then the whispers started.

"Oh wow, it's been two minutes, is she the longest hat stall in years?" One student said.

"What's so special about her, she's just a muggleborn." A Slytherin muttered in annoyance while the people around them agreed.

"Hmm...Well, well, well. Aren't you a special one, Little Miss Riddle Dagworth-Granger?" the hat muttered in glee. Whilst Hermione widen her eyes in surprise that the hat knows her real name. "You know my real name? How?"

"No secrets are kept for I, am the sorting hat. You have plenty of courage, a smart mind, a lot of loyalty. You'll be a perfect in Slytherin, but the House, I see fit for you is......RAVENCLAW!!!"

Ravenclaw House celebrated for their new member, but Hermione looked back at her friend, and they both smiled.

"Congratulations on becoming a member of House Ravenclaw, Granger." A girl next to her as she sat down told her. Then another voice opposite of her said, "You must've been the longest hat stall, for taking at least five minutes. Where did the hat wanted to put you in?"

"He said I was perfect for Slytherin." Hermione smiled shyly.

"Ah, said "No", to him did ya?" They questioned her.

"Something like that." she grinned at them all.

As if she felt someone staring at her, she turned around and found herself staring back at a professor. "A question, but who is that professor sitting at the second seat towards the end?"

"That's Quirell, he teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts."


After the sorting, everyone returned to their House dormitories, most of the first years, wrote to their parent(s). Hermione did the same, as she sat near her bed.

Mom, as you said, Hogwarts is truly amazing. Reading it out of the book was awesome it self but being there and looking at it live was beautiful. I had wished in the end that I should have chosen your school, but being in Hogwarts, made me feel closer to dad, in some way.

Oh! I made it into Ravenclaw! The hat said I'd be perfectly fit in Slytherin too but it changed its mind towards Ravenclaw instead. I was apparently a five minute hat stall because of this. But did you know, the hat knew my full name and that no secrets were kept between the hat. It was shocking at first. Oh, there was another student that told me dad's house was made for evil and bad graduates in the future, I hope that the boy was lying, the house was just perfectly made, for smart, and cunning students after all.

I've also made my very first friend, he's not in the same House as I, but we became friends in the train compartment, I do hope we can stay friends forever.

I have to go to bed now, love you mum.

xx Hermione


wow, am I on a writing spree lol . okay, but harry potter being back on Netflix is giving me creative juices!!!
I don't even know why I'm running the plot by their first years when I can skip a few chapters 😀

edited 07.08.22

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