Secrets (3)

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AFTER BEING REASSURED for her joke that she was not adopted, Hermione sighed in relief. The two sat in front of each other as her mother tells her the story to why no one can recognise them both.

Hermione then asked the question she had wanted to ask for the long 20 minutes that she had known about her mothers' real name. "What about dad, is he a wizard too?"

"You have a father but it's not William." Gwen smiles as she remembers her husband, twiddling her ring on her finger.

"But you married dad right?" Hermione frowned. Was she born out of wedlock?

"No, Hermione. William does not exist. I have been raising you myself since you were three years old." Gwen picked up the cup on the table to sip her tea.

"I don't understand, I have memories of him and we sat together for pictures."

Gwen smiled. "I transfigured William from a lamp to make it look like we're one happy family, especially for family pictures, so no one would question why I had to raise you alone and having anyone finding us."

"So you're saying that you placed fake memories in my head and my supposed dad is just a lamp? But there was fathers' day, I remember giving presen-" Hermione gasped as a memory surfaced in her head of her da-William changing to another man, he had dark brown hair, green eyes, and a handsome face.

"W-who?" Hermione clutched her head in shock.

"Hermione? Sweetheart, what's the matter?" Gwen placed her hand on her daughters face.

"There's a man in my memories changing from dad to another man." Hermione's brows furrowed in confusion, as she gripped her mothers hand from her face to her lap.

"Oh, that's your father. Isn't he handsome?" Gwen sighed lovingly.

"Um. I don't know. So he's my father then?" she confirmed in question.

"You have my eyes. But you have his ears and the thickness of his hair."

"Where is he now? My real dad?"

"It's a long story." she sighed sadly.

"I have time." Hermione sat back to get comfortable on the lounge.

"12 years ago, I wanted the three of us to live somewhere away from his work. A medium sized cabin much larger than this house, he disagreed with the idea but after I reasoned to why it could be safer, he bought a place two months later. We visited the place before you were born and I fell in love straight away with the place.

A few months later you were born and we made the cabin into our safe heaven. It wasn't until you were three when we were ambushed. Your father was away and I was home alone with you. The cabin we loved so much started to light up in flames, I had to get away but you were too young for apparation but I was going to keep you safe and alive no matter what.

Knowing that I could have splinched you, I did so anyway, I had no choice in the matter, when the door was blasted off its hinges and these bad group of people came in. But before I did so, I ran into another room and transfigured strong liable bodies to pretend that I had died with you in my arms, burned to death. I had to make it real for them not to find me, find you." Gwen sadly smiled at the memory.

"Did I get splinched? What is splinched mum?" Her eyes sparkled in knowledge.

"Splinching is what occurs when a witch or wizard apparates or disapparates unsuccessfully, leaving part of his or her clothes or body behind in their former location. It didn't happen as I had hidden until they left."

"You were so brave. Did these group of people have a name?"

"Yes. The Order of the Phoenix."

Hermione scrunched her nose at the name. Then sat straight up as her mum stood up to grab a book from the shelf.

"Before we go and choose the school you want to go to, I have books that you can read." Gwen handed her daughter the precious books she had kept all these years; Hogwarts A History and History of Beauxbatons.

"Oh mum, they're beautiful." Hermione awed as she run her palm over the cover and the spine.

"Knowing that you would turn of-age and go to one of these schools, I kept them with me." Gwen grinned in triumph.

Hermione turned the cover to Hogwarts: A History open and gasped as the pictures move and she sat in delight.

"Which school did you go to?" she turned to the next page.

"I went to Beauxbatons and your father went to Hogwarts." Gwen smiled at her daughter.

Finally, it was the time to send her child to school. She wished Tom would've seen their daughter.


A month later Hermione came with her mother still pretending as a muggle-born with their Muggle clothes as they met Minerva McGonagall.

"Mrs. Granger, Miss Granger, good to see you both again. Now all you have to do is run into this wall with your luggage and it'll take you to the other side. I will see you at school Miss Granger. " McGonagall turned and left the two alone.

"Oh, my baby. You'll owl won't you?" Gwen held Hermione in her arms as she rubbed her cheeks onto her only child's curly hair.

"Of course mum. Now that we have a barn owl I'll write to you twice a week." Hermione smiled then hugged her mother.

"Once you leave for Hogwarts I'll go home straight away and send Honey to you. I'll miss you, Hermione. Go and make some friends alright?" She clasped her child's cheeks and rubbed with her thumb lovingly.

"Yes, mum. I love you." Hermione hugged her mother tightly, she won't be able to see her for a few months, till the holidays.

"And I, you." they bother parted from the hug, then Gwen held Hermione's arms, "Now, who are you, when someone asks you this question?" Gwen questioned.

"My name is Hermione Jean Granger and I'm a muggle-born witch."

"That's my girl." Gwen kissed her daughter's head lovingly.


edited 07.08.22

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