The First Meeting (4)

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THE DOOR TO his carriage slid open as he met with the different shades of blue eyes of his childhood friends Pansy Parkinson and Theodore Nott.

"You wouldn't believe the number of blood traitors we had to get through to arrive here." Pansy scowled in disgust as they both sat on the opposite seat in front of him.

Draco stared at his friend and decided right then and there that the names he'd remove from his potential list would be Weasley and Parkinson. It'd be weird if he marries his friend who he has no feelings for. But then again all marriage conveniences doesn't involve with love unlike his parents had, his father had chosen his mother out of the Black sisters knowing Bellatrix was out of the question and he wouldn't want to be involved with the oldest Black.

Draco sighed and kept Pansy on his list. Before he could speak to his friends about the so to speak rumoured Harry Potter, the door opened again to a bushy-haired girl with hazel orbs.

"Have any of you seen a toad? A boy called Neville Longbottom lost one." She asked.

"Neville Longbottom? What a ghastly name." Pansy laughed.

Hermione stared at the girl and frowned. But before she could think the words had already left her mouth. "At the very least his name isn't as ghastly as your features." Hermione closed her mouth with her hands in an instant.

Pansy's mouth gaped like a fish as she stared at the girl. "Hey! Don't you know who we are!?"

"No, and I do not want to." One of Hermione's brows rose.

"What's your name then," Nott asked in annoyance.

"Hermione. Hermione Granger." She informed all three of them.

"Granger?" Draco questioned. "You wouldn't be related to the Dagworth-Grangers would you?"

Her breath hitched in fear, her mother had told her to keep anything of her true birth a secret and not to tell a single soul. So how did this person in front of her ask this kind of question?

"No, my parents are dentists." Hermione fibbed.

"Dentist? What's a dentist?" Nott asked. "Sounds muggle."

"Oh? So you dare come here and talk down on us when you're the one who's a lowly muggle. We're purebloods. Us three are the purest of bloods we can be, get out before you regret it." Parkinson snarled in disgust.

Hermione scoffed as she slammed the door shut. She also has pure blood in her veins and she doesn't act as arrogant as they did. Taking deep breaths she continued towards the other carriages in search for her new friends' toad.

She opened a carriage to find a red-headed boy with his wand out.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then."

"Sunshine, daisies, butter, mellows, turn this stupid fat rat, yellow."

A puff of smoke was made on the feasting rat and Hermione frowned. "Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? Of course. I've only tried a few simple ones myself, but they've worked all for me."

"Well, if you're so good, you try it then." The boy goaded her, taking out her wand, Hermione looked to the other person sitting in front of the boy. "Oh my gosh, you're Harry Potter."

"You know me?" He didn't believe anyone would also knew of him other than his new friend.

"Of course, I read about you. Here, your glasses are broken, I can fix it if you like." she offered.

"Oh, thanks."

"I'll show you actual magic, for example," she sat in front of him, pointed her wand between the front of his eyes, "Oculus Reparo."


^^^^ (((( lololl have you guys seen that hp edit when she says the exact same thing except it ended with avada kedavra?))))

^^^^ (((( lololl have you guys seen that hp edit when she says the exact same thing except it ended with avada kedavra?))))

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Putting her wand away, she stands to leave the compartment, "You two better change into your robes soon, I expect we'd be arriving sometime soon." Before Hermione left the compartment, she stopped, and turned back, might as well tell him to be nice. "By the way, you've got dirt on your nose." rubbing her own finger to the spot of his mark on her nose, then left to find her new friend and sat with him all the way to Hogwarts.

By the time they all got down from the train, they were met with a man holding a lantern, calling out for all first years to follow him. Neville, followed the man's voice, then turned towards his new friend, when she tugged on his arm sleeve.

"Woah, that's one huge man." Hermione exclaimed.

Neville chuckled. "He must be a half giant, I've read a few of them in my Granny's books."

"Huh, the more you know about this world." she grabbed one of his wrist and tugged him towards the boats, "Let's sit together, we don't want to miss out on any seats, and be stuck here!"

Neville openly smiled at his friend, and followed her. "What House do you think you'll be in, Hermione?" he got on the boat, and asked the questioned as well as helping her on.

"Hm, well, I think I might either be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin." she replied, honestly. Her dad was in Slytherin after all.

A scoff behind her shocked them both. "Slytherin? Hah! That place is full of bad and evil witches and wizards."

Hermione and Neville both turned in surprise, they weren't too shocked someone could've heard their conversation but didn't expect they would interrupt their thoughts to one another. As if it could get any better, the interruptor, was Ronald Weasley, himself.

"Plus, I don't think they would want a muggle-born like yourself in their precious House." Ron stated.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hermione frowned.

"If you didn't know already, the House hates anyone that isn't pureblooded. Especially if they're muggle, they hate them the most. You'll get bullied bad if you went there."

"How would you know if all the students who come out of that House become evil?" Hermione uttered in disbelief.

"PuHlease, as if you don't read the Prophet," Ron rolled his eyes, "All students who graduates from that House becomes Death Eaters or they all go to Azkaban."

"Well, I've read that they're very loyal to their own and cunning. It really depends on where the hat places me, nothing is set in stone." Hermione rebutted to defend the House her dad was in all throughout his school years.


edited 07.08.22

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