CHAPTER 001- Swimming pools.

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Penelope Quinn

I HATE school. I always have ever since I stepped foot into the shit hole.

It's once again Monday morning, the Worst day of the week. Especially when you live in England and it's pouring down with rain per usual. 

Waiting for the bus in the morning has got to be one of the worst things that you can ever experience ,well for me it is. I stand under the shelter of the bus stop which doesn't do any justice form the rain since the glass is all shattered and scattered all over the floor. Not surprising. 

"Fucking amazing."I say whispering to myself, putting my bag over my head to stop my freshly curled hair from getting wet. 

The bus finally arrives, I sigh and put my phone in my pocket. I step onto the bus and give the bus driver my ticket.

"Thanks sweetheart" he smirks while looking me up and down.  I smile awkwardly and go to find a seat, the only seat available is the one right at the back where the group of boys sit.

"Why?" I think to myself as I walk to towards the seat.  Jack, Reece, Leo and Danny. They are the schools 'popular' boys that every girl apparently fancies. I mean they are good looking but they are just absolute arseholes, they always sit at the back of the bus either smoking or starting fights with the younger years. I always try my hardest to always keep my distance from them and stay quiet, like I always do. 

As I go to sit down on the seat they all stop talking and turn to face me. For fuck sake. I try not to look at them and just stare out the window and put my headphones in and listen to music, hoping they would carry one and ignore me. They began talking again and laughing about how small a girls tits were, being immature and rude. 

I turned to look at them for not even a second and Jack stood up from his seat holding  the bars either side on the bus. I look away and squeeze my eyes shut feeling my heart drop, no what have I done .  I felt a dip in the chair next to be and my nose was filled with the smell of cigarettes and cheap aftershave, he was sat next to me staring with a smirk he flicked the rest of his cigarette onto the floor of the bus in front of my feet, I scrunch my nose up at the sight and kick it away. he's disgusting

"What do you want?"I say nervously frowning at him, rubbing my sweaty hands down my pleated skirt while pulling it down in the process as it was riding up my thighs . He moves closer making me move further away so I am sat right against the window. 

He places his hand on my thigh, I could feel the heat from his hand seep through my tights onto my skin, goosebumps envelope my skin making me become extremely uncomfortable as he glides his hand up my thigh.

"Can you stop touching me?" I say loud enough for people to hear, they all turn around to look at me, my face reddens. They all turn back and carry on talking.  He doesn't take his hand off my leg, I attempt to push his hand away but he grabs my wrist and grips my thigh harder,  underestimating his strength. His clever smirk falls from his face it now becoming an annoyed glare. 

" Please can you get off me" I say feeling tears brimming in my eyes. He shakes his head looking back at his friends who are now looking over at me with an unbothered face. 

"Please' I say almost whispering dreading what can possibly happen next. 

I feel the bus coming to a stop since we are arriving to the outside of school, he still has grip of my legs.

" if you want me Penelope, just say it I see the way you look at me  " he says grabbing hold of my jaw and pulled my face closer to his as his eyes follow the tear which falls from my eye to my jaw. 

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