CHAPTER 004- Strawberry scented wipes.

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Have you ever felt time stand still? 

The feeling when everything slows down. 

When it suddenly comes to a stop, leaving you gasping for air and your heart beating uncontrollably against your ribcage, as if you are trying to escape from time.

Well this is how I am feeling right now. I stare at the clock ticking on the wall of the headteacher's office, biting the insides of my cheeks. 

Leo is sat manspreading in the chair next to me picking at his nails. His nose slightly bleeding with a nasty cut on his lip. We sit in silence;

Tick ,


Tick ,


The sound of the clock ticking heightens my nerves as we wait for Mr Burrows to get back with the news of the punishment we will be facing. 

"Is your lip okay?" I ask breaking the awkward silence. His face serious as he looks up from his hands.

"It's fine". He said in a low voice, making fidget in my seat. 

"I have wipes, to wipe your nose." He furrows his brow in confusion. 

"It's bleeding." I mumble, I rummage in my bag to find the wipes. Shit their strawberry scented, how childish.  I hand a singular wipe to him. 

I watch as he roughly rubbed his face with it, making  me wince as I imagine the pain that will cause. 

"Here let me do it for you."I say getting up off my chair, making my way over to him. 

"I said it's fine, Penelope." He snaps making me flinch, his eyebrows soften. 

"It's not. Just let me do it, I'll be fast, I swear." I look back up to his face.

I take the wipe from his hand, now standing inbetween his legs. I gently place the wipe underneath is perfectly, straight nose. This is awkward. What am I doing? 

I keep my eyes on his face, not making eye contact although I could feel his on me. I slowly bring the wipe down to his lips, his lips were full and pink making me imagine doing so many things with them. Oh my god what are you thinking Penelope? Stop it. 

I rub the dried blood from the cut on his lip, I pull his plump lip down in the process. Making my breath hitch in my throat. My eyes quickly travel from his lips to his eyes and his cold eyes land on mine, looking at me with no emotion. I lick my now dry lips from lack of oxygen, I watch as his eyes lower to my lips, lingering on them for a second then looking back into my eyes, the familiar fluttering of my stomach appearing once again. What is happening? This needs to stop now. 

I take step back , my heartbeat fastening as I replay the small moment in my head over and over. I am thankfully interrupted by my thoughts when the down to the office opens, letting in a cold breeze. 


I immediately take off my drenched shoes and coat, not wanting to spend anymore time in the uncomfortable of my damp uniform. 

I hurriedly run up the staircase in the hall, leaving wet footprints behind me from my soaked school. I begin to undress as soon as I reach my bedroom door, throwing my wet clothes on the soft carpeted floor. 

I hop into the shower and let the warmth of the water soothe every tense muscle in my body, I sigh in pleasure and flutter my eyes shut. I use the vanilla scented body wash, which I pour onto my sponge and lather in all over my body and rinse when I am all clean. I scrub my scalp with my new expensive shampoo and the delightful smell fills my nose.  

After a long shower I grab the towel of the towel heater and wrap it around my small frame . I walk toward the huge light up mirror in my bathroom and process with my regular night care.  Firstly I apply my nourishing night cream, I then rub my body with a vanilla scented body lotion- to make my skin feel smoother, and I add a small layer of castor oil over my lashes, eyebrows and through the ends of my hair To prevent any split ends.  

I braid my slightly wet hair, so it will be loosely curled tomorrow morning and slid into my cropped tank top and some small shorts to keep cool in bed. 

Finally I jump into my freshly washed, soft bedsheets and slip under the duvet, stretching myself out feeling clean and relaxed. Leaving on my lamp which sits on the bedside next to my bed, dimly lighting up my room.  



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