CHAPTER 005- 'Stupid girl'

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It's now 2.43 am, as I sit up in my bed the whole house was silent, indicating that everyone is either asleep or not home. i look out my bedroom window to see there are no cars parked in the drive-way.

After spending a few minutes deciding whether is should go outside or not I slip on my brown fluffy jacket and my shoes and step outside. 

The April breeze hits my face as soon I stepped foot outside I stopped for a moment taking in the scenery, which wasn't that pleasing to the eye since it is dark outside. 

The cold air grabs my bare legs, making me feel uncomfortably cold, I walk for about 20 minutes until I reach my trusty corner shop. They sell the most amazing snacks which explains why I have been going since I was 10 years old. 

The glass door chimed as I walked into the shop, Johnny the owner waves from behind the counter. 

" My favourite girl, what you doing here at 3 in the morning?" I roll my eyes and walk towards him grabbing my favourite bag of sweet off the shelf. 

"Can't sleep, how's your wife?" I say sarcastically, smirking at him. I see his smile fade. Here we go. 

"Well, I've been here all day and you know, she didn't even message me once to ask me how I'm doing. I could have been hit by a car for she'd know." he says rambling, ever single time I come in here he is always complaining about her, but their marriage is perfect, the kind everyone wants when they grow up. 

The bell on the door chimes again signalling someone else has entered the shop.


What is he doing here? 

I quickly hide begin the sweet aisle and watch as he enters the alcohol aisle. I scoff as he takes out three bottles of whiskey, stumbling as made his way to the front counter to pay. 

"Four packs of cigarettes," he says slurring his words, ruffling up his styled hair. He grabbed his wallet from jean pocket grabbing his credit card, but as he does this all his change falls out his pocket, he groans. 

"Fuck" he shouts he kicks the money across the floor, and walks out with the alcohol and cigarettes, without paying and slams the door shut behind him I watch as he jumps into the passenger seat of an unfamiliar black car and it speeds down the quiet road. I sigh as I come out from my hiding space. 

"I'm sorry Penelope" Johnny says furrowing his brows. 

"No Johnny, I'm sorry I'll pay for them." I grab my purse out of my pocket. 

"No, no it's okay don't worry about it." ,he argues. 

I smile and pay for the sweets and say goodbye, slide the money on the counter before I leave. 


His eyes. 



What, his eyes? 

My eyes lazily fluttered open and was met with harsh sun-rays casted into my room and I groaned, immediately pulling the covers over my sensitive eyes and messy nest of hair.  I always sleep through my alarms, for as long as I can remember I have never woken up to an alarm no matter how many I set before I go to sleep. 

It's Monday morning, once again. I hate my life. Shit I forgot that I have two weeks worth of after school detentions. I rub my hands down my tired face, I step into the war shower relaxing all my tensed muscles, I lather my hair in the vanilla scented shampoo I sigh as I massage it into my wet hair. I get out of the shower brush my teeth, dry my hair and do my makeup and hop into my washed uniform. 

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