CHAPTER 006- I can't stop thinking about you.

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Penelope Quinn

I can do this. 

it"s just a party, 

No big deal, right?

" Would you bloody cut that out?"  Grace threw me a look as we walked into the party. 

I pull down my short black dress, which was riding up my ass. I glared at her, " I can't believe you are making me do this right now..." I say groaning pulling my hand through my curled hair. 

I hate large crowds and big social events as you can probably gather. I'm not going deny that I don't look good, I do. Grace did my makeup and picked out the shortest dress possible before it is referred too as a top.  

The house is dark, but lit with different coloured lights flashing in every direction the bass of the music making my ears ring.  

We make our way to the kitchen and people are gathered around drinking, I recognise very few people here. My anxiety is through the roof.  

I am pushed against the counter as a couple making out bump into me unaware of their surroundings. 

The drinks are a basic Vodka and lemonade, I take my drink and gulp it down almost immediately. 

"Go P" Grace shouts drinking hers as well. I scratch my face up as the liquid burns my throat as it travels down to my stomach. 

"We are going to get so pissed.." Grace says pulling me into the other room, crowded with even more people. 

The buzz from the Vodka starts kicking in. 

I'm really that much of a lightweight?

A man comes to my side placing his arm over my shoulder handing me another drink.  

I see Grace heading upstairs with and man hanging off her shoulders, I laugh and rub my tongue across my teeth. 

She winks disappearing upstairs. 

I make my way through the crowd of teenage people, I see the boy from earlier as he pulls me to dance with him I smile and sway my hips to the music. 

I feel his hands rubbing up my body, it feels good. 

I open my eyes and across the room I am met with the familiar grey eyes. 


I watch him as he watches me across the room, he is sat on the sofa with Maddie rubbing her hands down his clothed chest, his legs spread wide, he has a lit cigarette in one hand. 

His face blank, showing not emotion which is a regular occurrence for him. 

The man with his hands still all over my body...he licks his lips, whispering in my ear. 

"Should we go upstairs baby girl?", I internally cringe at the use of the word 'baby girl'.

 I ignore him keeping eye contact with Leo, I bite my lip unintentionally. I watch as he pulls Maddie closer to him, his lips moved against hers as he grabs her waist pulling her on top of him, never breaking a second of eye contact with me. 

Memorised by how his lips moved against hers deepening the kiss with his tongue. 

I was snapped out of my trance as Grace dragged me further into the crowd of sweating bodies the music making my eardrums vibrate. 

I furrow my brows as my eyes begin to feel heavy, my body feels weak and tingly I feel like I should lie on the floor and go for a long nap. Grace loosens her grip as she goes off dancing into the crowd leaving by myself, she world feels like its spinning. What is happening to me? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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