2 • Cease and Restart

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A/N :
No one saw what I did. (I'm sorry my brain is saying byebye)
I accidentally posted this chapter in Book one. Hhhhh.

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Few more flashbacks ago...


More tapping.

Followed by thousand more.

It has been like this eversince Ango Sakaguchi stepped in the organization he always belonged to, the Division of Unusual Powers. Recording, investigating, reviewing and counterattacking people if necessary, everyday and probably for the rest of his decadent life. Sounds like a drag, boring, lame job for many people. Though that's what only appears on the surface.

This man probably knows every secret there is in the Land of Yokohama, who knows maybe even of other countries, and probably one hobby also is the one that makes secrets.

One is meeting you after his men have secured you in a classified facility for dangerous ability users. It was even raining in the streets of Yokohoma when they found you, bare and unconscious in the middle of nowhere. Now you're sitting in a seemingly interrogation room with Ango infront of you, your freedom is choked by another ability in form of shackles and restraints of nobody knows whom.

"Do you remember me, [Y/N]-kun?"

You remained silent for a while. You never thought of meeting this man again and yet, here you are. You can't help but to clench your fist as particular memories flood your mind like a dam has collapsed. Ango felt that you don't want to see him ever again, your eerie aura could tell that even his bodyguards were scared of you. He understands where the rage is coming from, something he's already used to.

It is something I cannot control.

You managed to keep your tone down and your composure. "Yes."

It's his turn to fall silent. Upon closing his laptop, his phone received a message from someone outside, looks like his movements could be still read by a certain someone even with utmost secrecy. I guess it can't be helped, he thought. He sighed and smiled through the pain.

Cutting the dead air, you decided to talk. "So... What am I doing here?"

Ango's grip to his documents tightens, the message was signal of final phase of the bargain with Port Mafia. They knew you are already awake, should be expecting their package which is you by now. Though Ango has more yet to tell you. He, perhaps can spare few more minutes.

"...I'm going to transfer you to the Port Mafia."

Rain pours harder, yet that never became a hindrance for you to hear all what he has to say. He's more than willing to, if the time and opportunity allowed him way, way earlier. Sadly, no one would ever see that he really cares. For the eyes of everyone, he has no feelings at all and his job is his only priority.

He bowed his head slightly, continuing. "Mori-san theorized you will come back the moment Fyodor Dostoevsky pushed his pieces. Those people who were trapped back in Europe came back after you and Dazai-kun made contact, those were the living proofs you could do the same to yourself, that is if you wanted."


Here comes that name again. You touched your temple as you felt sharp pain inside your head, Ango noticed it. No ordinary shackles locked in your wrists goes with your movements, sounds resonating in the closed room. With that, that supports also Mori's theory of you forgetting Dazai for a reason.

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