S: Scrybes vs Syncope

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Requested by ZippyKostenko17 (also known as Healer Elowen)

Note: From what I've been told and researched a sycope is when someone passes out and appears like their having a seizure (even though they're not). Also, from what I know, this is caused by major stress. So that's what I'm making the cause. Let me know if I get anything wrong on this one.


Leshy is very observant especially during games, always trying to learn more about his competitor and making sure they are enjoying the experience. In other words, he's quick to realize when something's up. He noticed how your skin paled, how your head started to sway, and how you desperately tried to keep focusing on your cards. Out of concern, he would pause the game to ask if you're feeling okay. Before you could respond, however, you fainted on the spot, you're head which was leaning forward face planting onto the wooden table with a harsh thunk.
Leshy practically jumped from his spot and ran over, pulling your head up a bit quicker than he would have liked (he has trouble controlling his strength when panicked). Leshy doesn't fully know what's going on or what caused this and probably blames himself, believing he might have indirectly caused this and that he should have stopped the game sooner. Leshy, not knowing what to do, would bring you to the Trader/Trapper since they tend to be more knowledgeable about these things. The Trader/Trapper help Leshy get you into a more comfortable position and carefully look over the symptoms before coming to a conclusion. Leshy is feels his heart break when he hears the diagnosis, the Trader/Trapper explaining that this was most likely caused by intense stress; this just backs up Leshy's previous anxieties about this being in some way his fault.
When you wake up, you're greeted to a very anxious Leshy moving about the room in thought before noticing you. He is instantly by your side while also keeping a few feet of distance, not wanting to hurt you in any way again. Before you can even get a word out, he's already apologizing, his words coming out in a jumbled manner, much different from his usual calm way of speaking. The Trader/Trapper is also there to bring you a glass of water and maybe some food, and to calm down Leshy if you ask them too. Leshy is noticeably more protective and attentive after all this. The two of you would take a long break from playing Inscryption against each other and Leshy would make some notable changes to his game to make it stressful for you (no more stabbing your eye out or pulling your teeth). You and Leshy start to do more relaxing activities like taking strolls in the forest or lounging around a campfire and stargazing, anything that could help ease your nerves.


Grimora is another Scrybe that is rather observant. She would definitely notice your symptoms and point them out to you, asking if you were alright. She's not as concerned with pausing the game as Leshy, and would probably ask you sooner, being able to get some kind of an answer before you passed out.
She's startled by the sudden action but it quick to act and sit you up, taking in your condition. Grimora has the most experience with these sorts of things compared to the other Scrybes and would be quick to act to make things better, getting her ghouls to move you to a better place instead of leaving you in your chair. She would feel bad when she realizes this was caused by stress, knowing her game only added on to all of that, but is more focused on making it up to you by helping in any way she could. Grimora would hover over you and constantly check on you condition to make sure you weren't getting worse (basically to make sure you were still breathing and your heart still beating the way it should).
Grimora would softly greet you when you finally wake up and gently inquire about your fainting, prying for answers. If you tell her to stop or she sees you're getting overwhelmed, she will stop and offer a book or some tea to take your mind off of things. Similar to Leshy, the two of you take a break from cards and start to do other things to destress. Grimora continues to keep a close eye on you to make sure you don't faint again, and if you do, she's at least prepared for it. Will warn the other Scrybes about your condition to make sure they lay off for a while and don't make things worse.


Magnificus isn't that observant, especially when it comes to things happening in the present. His mind is always elsewhere, so he most likely didn't pick up on your symptoms, or at least not enough of them to be too concerned, probably passing it off as something else. So, when you suddenly faint, he's beyond shocked.
He wouldn't be as quick to act as the others, if anything he would probably freeze for a moments before realizing just how bad this was. He might not know exactly what's going on, but he can guess that you need medical attention immediately. Magnificus would take you straight to Grimora, most likely needing his student's help to take you there in a fast manner. The three mage students are also very concerned, Lonely probably shouting something about you dying which just sends the other two into more of a panic. Grimora would be more than happy to help out and would explain the basics of what was going on to Magnificus while helping you. While waiting for you to wake up, Magnificus would try to read up on syncope to better understand it, sharing some of the information with his students to calm them down.
When you wake up, Mags would be there by your side, but would remain silent to allow you to gather your thoughts and calm down yourself (if you happen to be worried after waking up). He gives you a lot of space unless you tell him to do otherwise. He would also try to convince you to get into painting with him, unless you were already a painter in which he would try to join you whenever he could. It's a good activity for the both of you and helps to ease the nerves. Not to mention you and the mage students love to exchange your finished projects. Magnificus may not show it, but he is very paranoid about this repeating and often looks into the future so he can be prepared for next time, or if he's lucky prevent it from happening.


P03 doesn't know much about organic life but he can still pick up on a few concerning changes in your appearance and actions, pointing them out. He would try to hide his concern by asking about these changes in snarky comments or insults. The sheer panic that surged through his system when you suddenly fell from you chair, passing out on the cold metal floor of the factory.
P03 would instantly call out your name while trying to suppress the concern that laced his words, not realizing that you were knocked out cold. When he didn't get a response, he cut the act and floated over to you, poking you a bit while trying to figure out what just happened. P03 would call in his workers to move you to a makeshift bed, which he also commanded them to make so you wouldn't be left on the floor. While that was happening, he would begrudgingly boot up G0lly to search for a possible explanation to all this on the web. G0lly would be a little confused to her sudden awakening, but instantly show her panic after grasping the situation. G0lly's constant worrying would only slow P03's research, which he would openly criticize her about, but he eventually found the information he was looking for, feeling a sense of guilt when he realized that this was most likely caused by stress. If things get really bad, or if the other Uberbots learn about what's going on and start to panic, P03 may suck up his pride and ask Grimora or the Trader to take a look at you.
Similar to Leshy, P03 stays in the room to watch over you and is by your side the second you wake up. He would ask you a bunch of questions with the other Uberbots joining in to give their own comments about the situation. If you ask P03 about him being worried, he would either brush it off or refuse to comment. P03 makes some serious changes to his game in an attempt to make sure this won't happen again and keeps in mind your symptoms, so he knows to look for them. He might also try to make the factory more welcoming to an organic like yourself, cleaning up and decorating the areas you travel through the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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