Night With Guests {Chapter Three}

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We Returned Home Shortly After The Meeting.

I can finally relax, just be comfy and not have to deal with anyone. I ran into the living room and threw myself onto the couch and cuddled close to a fluffy blanket.Maman smiled as she brought in two cups of Chocolatl and sat down next to me.

"You've already got comfortable?" Maman said while handing me my cup.

"Yeah, It's nice to be home..and to spend time with you"

"I know you dislike about how I spend my time but I hope you understand that my work is for a better future." Maman put her cup down on the white glass table before looking at me.

"Maman..being without your soul isn't a happy and better future.."

I've never liked it..I Have always been afraid of it I set my foot in that chamber once..Just seeing that child..there.. sobbing and hitting the box jail as their dæmon slowly had sparks of dust flying out of them as they were being torn apart..I had to carry them back to all the other children who lost their dæmons.. tears running from the kids face when they lost their dæmon snapped my heart into two's not fair.

"Teddy Bear..What's Wrong?" Maman wiped a tear from my face as she noticed my thoughts were beginning to shine through.

"Nothing Maman..Nothing's Wrong" I cuddled close to my Mother.. I feel comfortable with Maman..She's different around me, she's herself.

The Elevator began to bell, Someone was here.

"I hope you don't mind Teddy but Lord Boreal and A Few Other Guests Will be staying here for an hour tonight" Maman smiled.

"Yay.." I sarcastically Smiled.

"Teddy." Maman's voice slowly became more serious, she knows my tone of voice too well.

"I'm going to take a bath."

I placed my cup down and walked down the hall towards the bathroom.

Turning On The Tap I slowly sat down and curled against the bath as the water was slowly running. Footsteps began to get louder as people walked down the hallway into Maman's study.

"I'm getting in the Bath Now, Neoma."

Neoma Nodded before turning away into the corner, facing the wall so she couldn't see me undress. Neoma has always been the respectful kind, She always listens for replies and isn't someone who would force or disrespect someones personal choice. Even though she's my dæmon she still respects the fact that she needs to be polite when I'm ever undressing or when I'm in the bath, She doesn't peek and she always asks before she turns around. Neoma doesn't talk much..well I don't always allow her to. Maman says you can't let your dæmon's emotions get in the way of your path to power, Maman done that once and she lost everything because of it.. I always felt bad for Maman.. Everything was snatched away from her that night, I was only four.. and Maman says I don't understand.. But I was there that night.. And I remember it All.

I washed myself and my hair before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist, and wrapping a head covering around my hair to dry it. I picked up Neoma and placed her on my shoulder as she got comfortable by wrapping around my neck which keeps her warm.

Running Down The Hall, I ran into my bedroom and pounced onto my bed like a snake hunting. I spread out on my bed..finally relaxing.

"Neoma, get a pair of sleep shorts out of my closet please"

She Nodded slowly, moving to my closet. Neoma reached for my sleepwear (which is only shorts) and clenched them into her teeth before climbing onto my bed and dropping them next to me. Neoma closed her eyes as I dried my legs and put on the shorts. Maman picked my nightwear for me whenever we go out shopping, She mostly buys me shorts and tank tops to wear when I sleep but I only really wear the shorts. The One's Neoma Picked were crimson They had a matching Crimson top but I don't like to wear them all the Time..I get too hot.

Loud Bangs Of Footsteps fill the flat as People begin to take trail into Maman's Study.

"Neoma I want to look."

Neoma shaked her head in response of "No", She knew we will get into trouble if we spy but who cares?

I kicked open the vent in the corner of my room and crawled in, I'm good with working through tight spaces mostly because I used to spy on my Mother and My Uncle alongside my Grandmother when they used to come and stay We Haven't seen Grandmother in twelve years..I've only seen my cousins because they go to the same school as me except from my youngest cousin who's eight, I only saw her when she was two which was a long time ago..but Maman says we don't need them and we only need each other and our home. I pushed the vent which entered my Maman's study and pushed Neoma closer to be able to hear Maman and The Magisterium workers and whatever they are talking about. Neoma moved closer just so her head hangs out of the vent.

"Neoma what are you doing we are going to get caught!?"

Neoma slipped out of the vent as I slowly fell after her. A loud crash erupted the study as My Body hit the floor and Neoma collapsed against the table, Our Vision was blurry as Maman's Monkey rushed to my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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