First Grade Flshbck

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 Beacon Hills Elementary School isn't that far from Beacon Hills High School. However, if you're the legal guardian of a six year old trying to wrap up class as quickly as possible while yelling at the students you coach that "no practice is not canceled! It's just going to start 20 minutes later than usual, now go get your asses to the locker room!" sometimes it takes a little longer than anticipated to get to the elementary school to pick said six year old up. Sometimes said six year old ends up sitting on the bench in front of her school on her very first day of first grade after class gets out waiting for her guardian to come pick her up. Thankfully for her, she isn't alone. A second grader is in a similar boat and is sitting right beside her.

It was Audrey's very first day of real school and it had been so scary and so fun! Before she'd just have half day programs or babysitters, but now she was in school! The young girl tried not to lose her excitement when her uncle wasn't in the pickup lane. Tried not to lose encouragement when slowly all the other grades, not just the first grade were released for the day and slowly but surely they were all picked up. Tried not to look too concerned when it was only her and a boy setting up shop at a bench outside the front office waiting. Tried not to visibly freak out, lest one of the chaperones waiting outside come ask the two kids what was wrong. It wasn't all bad though, the boy seated next to her seemed equally nervous but he was nice. He'd shown her the comic he'd slipped in his backpack that morning, even though you weren't supposed to have them at school. It was a Spider-Man comic and he told her about all the other ones that he had, his brother had gotten him a Batman and Robin one for him for his 8th birthday a few months back.

Then a car pulled up. It wasn't Uncle Bobby's, Audrey knew that much. It was a small, grey four door sedan. Out of it came a boy several years older than them, but one who must've been barely old enough to drive. "Hey, Isaac!" He called with a wave to Audrey's benchmate.

Isaac, Audrey's apparent benchmate, lit up, "Camden!" he was more excited than he'd been about his comic a moment earlier, "What are you doing here? I thought Dad was going to get me?"

"Nah, he's already at the high school for pre-season swim practice, so he sent me with the car," He, apparently Camden, was grinning a cheshire cat grin, "Never thought he'd actually let me use the car,"

Audrey watched the two boys with her hands folded in her lap, they both had rather curly dark blonde hair and based on their conversation one could assume they were brothers. She twisted her hands anxiously when there was still no sign of Uncle Bobby. Unbeknownst to her, the older boy, Camden, could see how nervous the young girl was and fully shut off the car before asking, "Who's your new friend?"

"Oh!" Isaac practically shouted, "This is..." he trailed off, having never asked her name. The second grader immediately looked sheepish and turned back towards Audrey, "What's your name?"

"Audrey Finstock-Moffat!" It was a declaration. She'd been practicing her full name, a lot. "And yours is Isaac?"

"Did you seriously forget to introduce yourself, Iz? C'mon little man," Camden berated, but there was no real heat, he was just giving his little brother a hard time, "You start talking about comics and forget about everything else in the world I guess," he gave a very exaggerated shrug on the 'I guess' as he made his way around the car and towards the kids.

Audrey giggled, Isaac did not. He was even more red than he'd been a minute ago when he had to ask for Audrey's name.

"Camden Lahey," Camden dropped to his knees and held out a hand to Audrey, "Nice to meet you Audrey Finstock-Moffat, I like your pigtails"

Audrey shook the older boy's hand, giggling still with what might've been a slight blush, "Nice to meet you too. You got him a Batman and Robin comic for his birthday?!"

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