Nothing is ever Simple part 3

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Audrey immediately went into the Emergency Room when she got to the hospital. Melissa, who had arrived with her, insisted on changing into scrubs and assisting with the operation. That left Argent, Liam and Nolan to wait in the Waiting Room.

        Nolan seemed pretty messed up by finding Audrey's body. Liam couldn't blame him, he wished the other boy hadn't walked into the small back room and seen The girl that way. Liam couldn't get the image out of his head, Audrey lying there, looking at him and he could see her heart beating she was torn apart so badly.

        Liam could only imagine how Nolan felt. He knew Audrey personally, she babysat his siblings. He glanced at the boy sitting beside him. Nolan had his hands in his lap and stared at the floor, his hair messed up and his hands shaking.

       Liam checked his phone. A few new messages. The most important one probably being that Scott was on his way and he would see what he could do for Audrey. Other than that, it was mostly just the Pack Groupchat reporting where they were, if they had found anything interesting, etc. Apparently Malia had caught an unfamiliar scent but was unable to track it very far, they had gone deep into unfamiliar territory and felt it was safe to turn back. Something didn't feel right according to Lydia. So the three, Malia, Alec, and Lydia turned around and got out of there as fast as they could. They had gotten close to the Primal's old territory though, that's where Liam and the others originally were, they had only caught the scent of blood...

         The only other message Liam had was from Theo. Liam texted him back and let him know he would try to be home soon to let him in but they had found Audrey and was currently at the hospital.

        Not wanting to attract unwanted attention from some of the members of the Beacon Hills community that knew about the Supernatural and didn't like them, Scott was the only one to come into the hospital to check on Liam and Nolan. Corey, Alec, and Mason we're heading to their respective homes in Mason's car. Lydia and Malia were waiting in Lydia's car, next to the Jeep in the hospital parking lot.

        Scott had arrived a few minutes after Coach Finstock and had missed the niceties. Finstock was a disaster. Not that his hair was ever cleaned up, it was messier than usual, now including some twigs and leaves in the spikey mess. He came in demanding to see Audrey, but couldn't until she was out of surgery.

        Finstock finally relented and turned to where the boys were waiting, "what are you kids doing here?" he sounded exasperated, like maybe yelling at his lacrosse members would make him feel better. His eyes scanned theirs, Nolan was finally looking up, at Coach.

    "These two young men are the ones who found your niece." Argent's voice was its usual deep yet surprisingly gentle as he spoke to the other adult.

    Bobby Finstock looked at him incredulously for a moment before turning his attention back to his lacrosse co-captains. Honestly, the look in his eyes said everything, because his words a moment later sure did ruin it.

    "Don't think this gets you boys out of sprints. Sure as hell won't give either of you special treatment."

    Liam couldn't help but laugh a bit, "Wouldn't dream of it, Coach."


    Liam went home not long after that, leaving Nolan, Coach, Argent, and Scott in the Waiting Room. Mason had left with Corey and Alec. Lydia and Malia were still waiting in Lydia's car and Liam was contemplating asking them to drop him off when his dad came up behind him.

    "Bye Doctor Geyer," a receptionist called out after him as he walked out onto the sidewalk to join his son. Dr. Geyer clapped Liam on the back, "Busy night you've had, come on, let's go home," He gave his son a warm smile and the pair walked to Dr. Geyer's car.

    Liam sent Theo a text when they left the hospital that said, "OMW home rn with my dad, i'll let you in through my bedroom window once i'm home" Then he sent another one, "Stay out of sight of my parents please"

    Liam never used good grammar when texting. Literally never. Half the time he would send paragraphs without punctuation, but that was only if he typed more than two word answers. For the first time however, Theo didn't call out his bad grammar, he simply responded with a "Sounds good", then after a few minutes, "Thank you".

    Liam gave a small smile and sighed before locking his phone. He didn't want to ask his dad if he thought Audrey would live, because deep down he knew the answer.


    Back at the hospital Scott and Argent had exchanged a knowing glance. After Argent's small nod of approval, or maybe understanding, Scott turned to Coach Finstock. He took a deep breath,

    "I can try to save her."

    That one sentence had both Coach Finstock's attention and Nolan Holloway's. Scott ignored Nolan's stares and maintained eye contact with Bobby Finstock. Scott had no clue if he knew about the supernatural. He wasn't sure anyone did. It, surprisingly enough, was a topic that got brought up often in the various pack group chats.

    Finstock just studied him. Scott tried not to squirm. Even though he was a True Alpha, Coach Finstock never failed to put Scott in his place. Minutes passed at the two men just maintained eye contact. Nolan and Argent watching on silently.

    They broke eye contact when Melissa McCall came to them, "She just came out of surgery. I wish we had better news, but you should probably prepare for the worst."

    Something in Coach's eyes glinted and he turned back to Scott, "Do what you need to do to save her."

    Scott nodded and Melissa turned around and wordlessly led her son to the room Audrey Finstock was in. Nolan watched, mouth agape as the two McCalls walked away. Finstock simply collapsed in the chair Liam had previously been inhabiting, next to Nolan. While Argent watched their actions quietly.


Coach Finstock sat at the hospital bedside of Audrey holding her hand. She was conscious now, and crying softly. Whimpering really. On her upper arm, of the one Finstock was holding, was a newer bandage then the rest of them. Underneath the bandage was the fresh bite of a True Alpha.


Liam had let Theo in through his window. Theo was set up on the floor with a few foam mattresses and some blankets and pillows. It had been good to see him again, even under these circumstances.
Theo was less of a pain in the ass than usual. It's like he could sense Liam was exhausted and a bit shaken up. He probably could, the boys were close and Theo was the prodigal chimera, despite not being the perfect candidate since he was "born evil" or whatever.
He simply said hi and went to bed on the floor, letting Liam have the silence to reflect on the evening that he so desperately needed 

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