Chapter Nine: Vivace

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Draco had been avoiding (Y/n) for the past few days. He would always glance at her or send Crabbe or Goyle to see what she was doing.

He thought that avoiding her would be the best choice for him since he didn't want to loose the small amount of dignity he still had left for being so stupid and fall for (Y/n)'s silly little games.

But he knew one thing for sure: She'll end up begging for him.

The OWL's were coming, making some students feel stressed. (Y/n) had no problem with her studies so she offered to help Ron and Harry along with Hermione.

That could also make her keep her mind off of other things.

And who could forget about Umbridge? She made up more stupid rules and wanted (Y/n) to be a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, but the girl refused, not wanting to be there.

When (Y/n) was about to put her History of Magic and Transfiguration books in her leather satchel, somebody knocked on her door. (Y/n) packed her belongings and took some pieces of parchment, some ink and quills before opening it. There stood Crabbe, eating a muffin with a considerable amount of strawberry icing.

"Yes, Vincent?"

Crabbe swallowed the muffin and took something from his pocket. He handed it to (Y/n) and ran away, as if she was going to curse him or something. (Y/n) closed the door, sat on her bed and unfolded the piece of parchment that had some pink icing around the edges. When she read it, her jaw literally dropped. It read:

February 4, 1995.

Dear Draco Malfoy:

Have you heard anything from (Y/n)? I write to her everyday but she won't answer my letters. I've considered apparating to Beauxbatons but I remembered she once told me that no one could apparate or disapparate in there. I BET YOU TOLD HER SOMETHING EMBARRASSING ABOUT ME, DIDN'T YOU, YOU LITTLE WIMP? I'm looking forward for a response soon.

Aunt Bella.

She looked at the time, she was supposed to meet Harry, Hermione and Ron in four minutes and seven seconds. The letter was sent about a week ago, why the hell would Draco show her the letter today? She folded the parchment and placed it on her pocket. She noticed that Dumbledore's note was still there.

She'll write the letter later, her mother can surely wait a day or two.

When (Y/n) arrived at the library's entrance, her three friends were waiting for her.

"Bloody hell, not again!" Exclaimed Ron, making every one look at him. "I forgot my wand in our dorms!" He cried.

Hermione rolled her eyes at his stupidity, "Make sure this is the last time that happens, Ronald! I'll go with him, you two can find a good seat while I teach him a lesson!"

(Y/n) and Harry nodded. When (Y/n) sat down, she took her books and some other school supplies.

"Where are your books, Harry?" She asked.

"I forgot mine, so I figured out that we could maybe share..."

"Of course." She smiled and sat next to him so he could see the book better.

Harry scribbled on the piece of parchment as (Y/n) explained him the most important parts of the subject. The boy's handwriting was getting messier by the second; his scar was burning badly and he could hear voices. (Y/n) was also experiencing the same thing, but she did a good job on not showing it.

"Hagrid's found you unconscious in the Forbidden Forest, (Y/n). What happened?" The boy blurted out of blue. As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted everything he said. "I- I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have ask-"

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